Let's pretend we're wrong and a supernatural diety shows up on earth!
What three questions would you ask this being?
Why? Why? WHY!? If all-knowing, he'd know.
@BigBoMclain Exactly. A lot of explaining to do!
Why did you allow Hitler?
Why did you allow the Native American Genocide?
Why don't we have three hands????
Just One, before I kicked it into next week: WTH were you thinking?!??
I wouldn't ask anything but I'd let them know they suck
How’s Asgard this time of year?
Forgot the other 2…
Why are you so evil?
Why pain, hurt, kids with bone cancer, genocide......you get the point
Fuck you, why not?
Assuming it's going to show up and claim the mantle of the god(s) of Abraham.
What the fuck took you so long?
Do you think you've really earned the worship and praise you've received over these years?
What are you going to do about the shit you've let go this far?
Okay, not necessarily in this order.
Please explain how Trump came into office?
Who the hell likes Yanni?
How could the religious nuts in the US, who are supposedly moral Christians, vote for a mysoginistic serial liar like Trump?