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Let's talk pet peeves! Here are my BIG ones!
---People who talk on their cell phones while exercising at the gym.
---People who appear not to know they have turn signals on their vehicles.
---People who think it's okay to tell me to "have a blessed day"!
---People who don't move their shopping carts over to the side so that other shoppers can pass them by.
---People who fail to say "Thank you." when I hold the door open for them.
---People who display that goddamn Christian fish on the back of their cars or trucks.
---People who don't seem to know that libraries should be quiet places.
---People who drive with their windows open who pull up next to me at a stop light, with super loud rap music emanating from their car's interior.
---People with saccharine demeanors.

Okay, I could go on and on, but I already have a reputation as a grumpy old man. Wouldn't want to reinforce that reputation too much.

RobLawrence 7 June 14

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My biggest pet peeves:

  1. People who try to merge onto the interstate at 40 mph or less

  2. People who cruise in the left lane


#1 The phrase "Been there, done that". It was my ex husband's favorite phrase and his excuse for not wanting to do something I wanted to. Since the divorce I bought a convertible, got SCUBA certified, took up golf and traveled the world.

#2 People who drive with their hazards on in the rain. It's illegal in Florida you morons!


ATVs & the adults who permit their spawn to use 'em. Smokers discarding cigarettes as if they are not litter & an outdoor receptacle is right under their nose is the end all. People. Yech!

  1. Littering. While hiking, I bring bags to pick up litter. Also clean up litter and broken glass around where I live. I was raised differently. Litter invites litter.

  2. Dog owners who leave plastic bags of dog poop beside the trail. What are they thinking? The Poop Fairy will magically clean up after them? Selfish asses. I'm not willing to touch it. I eat with my hands.

  3. Smoking. With asthma, I hold my breath and hustle away from smokers. I don't understand why anyone would start smoking, with all we know about how tobacco causes cancer.


I didnt know fish went to church

btroje Level 9 June 14, 2018

Don't know about church, but they're usually in school(s).


I rarely visit a gym, so no problem there;
Occasionally, very rarely, but occasionally I leave my turn signal on (shame);
Blessed day? Virtually never hear that;
Aisle hogs, skirt around and give a dirty look while feeling superior;
No "thank you" for holding the door...lightbulb over my head says, "Fuck you very much."
Xtian fish stickers-hmmm, meh.
Loudness in libraries; I stay away from libraries, they're too loud.
Loud music with open car windows; put my windows up and try to put distance between us.
Saccharine demeanors? Not completely certain what that is, but don't think I is one.

Here are a couple of mine:
Trail hogs--people who don't seem to realize other people use the outdoors for recreation;
Incessantly barking dogs;
Lane changers who pull in front of me and slow down;
Arrogance--can't stand fucking arrogance.

For sure on the barking dogs. Absolute deal breaker for me.

@exilesky I'm currently residing with one that literally barks all day long; a very loud, sharp bark in a house virtually devoid of non-echoic surfaces. Thank Bhudda I'm moving tomorrow.

@Condor5 You have my profound sympathy. Glad you are moving - and may you have peace and serenity where you are going.

Agree with you about incessantly barking dogs.

I cannot STAND small, hyper, constantly barking, shrill, jumping up, out-of-control, little dogs.

All dog owners need to train their dogs to behave. People with small dogs make excuses for bad behavior. One Welsh Corgi kept jumping up on me, gouging long, bloody scratches in my bare shins. "DOWN, dammit!" I said firmly. "She's just saying 'Hi, '" the owner said lamely.

"He's a herding dog," I hear over and over. Meanwhile, the damn dog stops abruptly on the trail, making me trip. I nearly fell off a sheer cliff beside the trail.

I have broken up with two men because of their small, constantly barking, out-of-control little dogs. Both men insisted on taking their dogs hiking. The dogs fouled waterways with poop, chased and harassed wildlife and scared other hikers.

During a backpacking trip to the Wallowa Mountains of NE Oregon, my hiking partner’s Welsh Corgi (same one) barked at every leaf that fell. It stopped suddenly on the trail, frequently tripping me. Finally, I insisted he tie the dog to his belt with a rope. Watched with satisfaction as the dog jerked him all over the trail.

I dropped far behind to get away from the constant shrill barking. Blissful quiet.

That night, he insisted the dog sleep in the tent. All night long, that dog barked at every snap and crackle in the woods. I got zero sleep. By morning I had a plan: kill him and then the dog. But he had the map and knew the way, so he was safe. (joking)

"She likes your smell,” people say. Stop making excuses. Keep your dog off me and my clothes.

I grew up with two large, gentle, obedient Labrador Retrievers. Lady won the Michigan State Dog Obedience Championship twice. Our dogs were never allowed on furniture. We told Lady "down, stay" and she stayed down until released.

While hiking and snowshoeing, I have been attacked and injured by eight unleashed dogs over the past six years. None of the dog owners apologized. It took six months for my knee to heal after one dog attack. Now I feel terrified of aggressive, unleashed dogs on the trail.

End of rant.

"Trumpanzees"? Hilarious!

@LiterateHiker the dog here thats barks constantly is a herding dog, a Sheltie. He gets verbal rebukes, but those may as well be treats; no effect on his behavior, whatsoever.
My 2 little guys are sometimes underfoot, but they're not barkers, by any stretch of the imagination.
I've been bitten and ran at on the trails more than once, also. Very annoying.


My wonderful hiking partner, Karen, taught me this technique to repel unleashed dogs:

With hiking poles pointing down, hands at waist level, vigorously sweep the poles back-and-forth at your ankles, crossing the poles with each sweep.

Dogs back off.

@LiterateHiker good trick, I usually just stop and yell at the owner, or ride faster.

A competitive, bicycle rider I dated carried pepper spray. Riding past one house, Bill was always charged by six, large vicious dogs. Where was the homeowner?

Speeding up, Bill kicked one dog in the head, taking that dog out. Quickly pepper sprayed the rest.

@LiterateHiker I love dogs, but that kind of neglect is inexcusable. You let your dogs run wild, it's on you what happens to them. I would try to outrun them, but failing that, I'd do whatever necessary to stop them.

@LiterateHiker, @exilesky thank you. I'm glad too. And besides that, I'm going to a climate that's 15-20 degrees cooler year round; from desert to coastal.


No, no no, you are not a grumpy old man, not in my book. I to get annoyed about those things and could add hundreds to the list.


I'll tell you what is a real peeve of mine. That people are heartless to the growing number
of homeless people. They can pass them, and not give them a thing.

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