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I just read a quote from Carl Jung..." Life is a short pause between two great mysteries..." your thoughts please?

Tommy19 7 June 15

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Seems accurate. Not sure about calling it a "pause" though. Existence as WE know it is about 14b years. Our lifespans are miniscule compared to that. Before life (locally and non-locally) and after life ARE mysteries. He's not wrong. We can have as close to accurate theories as possible, but we will never really know. We will never know what this place is really. It doesn't really matter though.


Considering that he has no actual knowledge of what lies beyond those two bookends, he could have said 'life is a mad, near-interminable whirlwind between nonexistence and loss of existence' and such a statement certainty would still be unwarranted (though at least a little easier to back up evidentiarily).

In short, his statement is pretty much worthless. Is it really such a mystery? Is it much of a pause, or a rest? Why should it be called "short"?

In the larger scheme of things, one human lifespan is very short.


It is what it is.


I think I prefer Kurt Vonnegut's take on life better. I read somewhere that he said, "Life is a disease of matter!" That makes me smile.

Dr Jung's statement presumes there was a before and that there will be an after. Both of these assumptions might well be true, unfortunately we have no way of determining this.

Well Jung assumes nothing; hence he calls them Mysteries.


The only mystery is exactly how life arose. We all know how it ends.

If we think in linear time. I'm reading Ageless body, Timeless mind by Deepak Chopra. Of course he comes from an Indian background and accepts reincarnation as true. So do I. Each night my meditation includes Sa-ta-na-ma...birth, Life, death, rebirth. So time is cyclical and relative as Einstein said. Cheers.


It's the pause between from whence we came and where we go.

Oblivion in both cases is my guess.

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