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Hey Agnostic world, great to find this site. I've only recently admitted to myself I am an agnostic atheist. I discovered this after I found the YouTube channel of The Atheist Experience, and devoured nearly 4 or 5 years' worth of content over the past year! I was probably technically an agnostic atheist at since school days, but was raised in a very devout Catholic family, so it's hard to really find your voice and get answers to those niggling questions about areas of your faith that never actually made any sense at all.

Looking forward to meeting and chatting with some like minded people here!

ashatan42 5 June 16

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Welcome aboard 🙂

ipdg77 Level 8 June 17, 2018

Hi there, and welcome. BTW i love that show too.

How good are they! Really taught me critical thinking around a subject I had been blinded to...


Hi and welcome.


Great to have you!! I'm also very new here, but lots of smart, wonderful, different people here I've discovered so far! Of course there's assholes, too, like everywhere, but just take em with a grain of salt!

Of course! And thanks, I will 🙂


Welcome! 🙂

StephC Level 7 June 16, 2018



Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

Always like a good asylum!

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