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What is your greatest skill ?

Wildgreens 8 June 21

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ha ha ha...sure...

I think I might include that one as well 😉

@273kelvin yep...ha ha

@thinktwice Being a harmonica player helps (its a transferable skill)

@273kelvin oh I bet!


I can make things like this...

@kenriley Thank you, With my hands, of course, 😀. ♥

Aww thanks. You are awesome We all have our skills!

No shit! ?

@Sheannutt Thank you.

is that for a movie? Not only is that a skill, it's talent.


Probably burning bridges, unfortunately.


useful during warfare... You must know all the flashpoints of every inflammable (flammable) liquids... wink!


Same as KKGator, adaptability.




I'm very skilled at attracting the most psychotic people on earth for "friends" Thankfully as a child of a Narc mother, it takes me less and less time with my new "bestie" to realize I might find my little dog boiling in a pot

I see now you haven't been here in over a year (while ignoring my polite messages), but for those who are entertained by this I'll say you seem to be better at alienating people than I am, which takes some doing. You do it preemptively while I at least wait to give a person the chance to blow it. I hate to perpetuate a sick stereotype but even in this enlightened era, the prettiest people are the biggest jerks, which is a sick fact. You don't hold patent on the bullshit-ometer. You probably have little substance so you keep people away before they find out. Bam, nailed it.


Procrastination, it takes many hours of practice....

Lukian Level 8 June 22, 2018

I do hugs really good

Please come round.


As much as I actually hate it, I'm really good at listening and calming people down over the phone. Just the angry ones, mind you. Someone having an anxiety attack is hard, and not something I'd attempt over the phone.
*key component is "over the phone" because my face would give me away if we were face to face. It's why I knew, as much as I enjoyed earning my psychology degree, I'd never be a therapist or counselor.

Why? Do you sit there with an ever broadening grin trying to stifle your giggles?

@FrayedBear I'm an eye-roller...

@GinaMaria Dark shades, no problem. ?

@GinaMaria Mind you looking at your lovely big grin just now I had the ridiculous mind eye vision of you rolling eyes like eggs down a steep hill!
Pace Egging
What are Pace Eggs?

An Anglo-Saxon legend tells how the Saxon goddess Eostre found a wounded bird and transformed it into a hare, so that it could survive the Winter. The hare found it could lay eggs, so it decorated these each Spring and left them as offering to the goddess.
Pace Eggs are hard boiled eggs with patterned shells, they are traditional in northern parts of England at Easter, with local variants in the name, such as Paste Eggs.

Where does the name Pace Egg come from?

The name is derived from Pesach (Passover).

The design

The background colour is provided by onion skins with designs created by leaves and flowers placed next to the shell.

All kinds of fun are had with the hard-boiled decorated pace eggs.

Origins of Colouring Eggs at Easter
Decorating and colouring eggs for Easter was a common custom in England in the middle ages. Eggs were brightly coloured to mimic the new, fresh colours of spring. The practice of decorating eggs was made even more famous by King Edward I of England who ordered 450 eggs to be gold-leafed and coloured for Easter gifts in 1290.

Egg rolling
Egg rolling is very popular in England and is an Easter Monday sport. Hard-boiled eggs are rolled down a hill.

Customs differ from place to place. The winner's egg may be the one that rolls the farthest, survives the most rolls, or is rolled between two pegs.
Enjoy the Pace Egging Song -

For more join "Traditional and Folkmusic" ?


Honestly? My ability to communicate with animals-of all kinds.

People used to contact me for help with their pets when the pets were freaking out since I could talk to them in my mind and find out the problem.

I didn't even use a saddle or bridle with my mules and horses..they just read my mind and did things as I thought of them.

No matter which country I've been visiting, wild animals have come to me for help, knowing I will help them. They allow me to save their lives without attacking me, then almost always return later to thank me.

For instance, once at Kino Beach, Mexico, on the Gulf of CA, I saved a wounded Blue-footed Booby that had been savaged by a frigate bird. The next time we were at the beach, a blue-footed booby peeled off from the flock and swooped low over our boat, hovering and looking me in the eye before flying off.

Amazing! I'm jealous!!


Alienating people

Simon1 Level 7 June 22, 2018

I am too.
At this point in my life, I have no desire to be the "beloved" anything in anyones life.....I don't try to go out of my way to do it, it just is


Don't know..I'm still trying to figure That out..


My brain holds vast amounts of trivial knowledge...but nothing of true importance. Lol


Survival.... I summed all up into one.


Critical thinking...


Annoying people.


Calming people down


Having the ability to communicate with any one on their own level.I also can repair and fix almost any thing


Problem solving.


I connect with people.


By some strange process , I morphed y math skills into sales. Turning the entire discussion into a math equation . I have never met another sales pro that thinks like me, but it has rewarded me handsomely.


I'm not entirely open minded, but I can open a tiny door in my skepticism to consider things from a different perspective. I'm good at finding alternative solutions to problems, even if there are times I have to roll my sleeves back and start from the beginning. I'm kind of ballsy-- I will do things and go places on my own if nobody else will go with me. And lastly, I'm really good at being a fluid planner. I don't have any fixed plans, but I have so many back up plans in case the main plan doesn't work, that I'm rarely at a loss of where I'm at.

What about you?


Getting up

Marine Level 8 June 22, 2018

Oy... well... I've been told it's my patience. Yes, it has been well practiced and well tested with the in-laws... so definitely a skill. I'm fair at sorting out situations, helping others as an emotional junk support system with several people.
If you ask my husband it would be shaming someone at a glance. I guess that's a "mom stare" or maybe the "wife glare"?? LOL!!
But if you are to go somewhere manual... probably crochet.

AmyLF Level 7 June 22, 2018

I think I would need someone else who knows me to tell me that.



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