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We live in a country where fat is considered genetic, and gay is a choice.
~ Hal Sparks

Benthoven 8 June 23

Enjoy being online again!

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So gay is not a choice but murdering is? Fat is fixable.

I'm not sure I understand the question.

@Benthoven So you were saying that gay is gene and fat a choice? In reality. I noticed from the outside mind you that gay try to justify saying they were born gay, not their choice. Honestly is fat want to be fat and gay wants to be gay is not my biz.


The "gay is a lifestyle choice" is so insulting. Who would choose a life of being discriminated against.



Tomas Level 7 June 24, 2018

Better idea..all the homophobic racist, Nazi Trumpites can move to Russia..and take TRUMP with them.

@Tomas: Why?


Well, that is not the only weird thing that people in the US think is so. A couple were arrested after they sold tickets to heaven, so what can you say.

That was a fake story. It never happened.

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