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What would be your 2 or 3 FAV BOOKS or AUTHORS and could let us know why?

Earthling50 7 June 24

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Edgar Allen Poe was the first "serious" author I read; I got in trouble for taking a book to school in third grade. I like the darkness.

Henry David Thoreau was quite the rabble rouser, and his Walden helped inspire my quest for simplicity and connection with nature.

Stephen King is my guilty pleasure; the man would probably be a serial killer if he didn't have writing as an outlet.


I enjoy almost all of Stephen King's books. I also enjoy reading almost everything by Orson Scott Card.

Did the Dark Tower series anger you? I almost stopped reading his books after that ending!

@Untamedshrew it really did feel like a let down in some ways. Especially after so many years of build up!

@Untamedshrew I loved the ending... I don't get why everyone hates it so much. I mean... it's a stephen king book.. wasn't expecting a happy ending 😛

@SirJet for me, it wasn't a lack of a happy ending. It felt like a cop out. No actual resolution.

@JenBeberstein Yeah... I get that. And were it any other author, I'd accept it. But this is Stephen King! He was not only telling us that "the story is in the journey" but also making us realize that the Gunslinger was a character in a book, aware of being a character in a book, who's only value was being a character in a book. Who's journey would start over and over, every time someone read the book.

The... existentialism of it amazed me. It was horrific in a way I'd never experienced. And it made me look at his entire journey in a different light.

Idk. I get it, but I guess I just see it differently. I was sad, at the end, but I felt it to be satisfying in a way I wasn't expecting.

@SirJet I can totally respect that point of view, I hadn't thought of it in quite that way.


"The Gold Finch" by Donna Tartt (some of her sentences are perfect).

I will definitely check her out- thanks?


Favourite author has to be Terry Pratchett, closely followed by Neil Gaiman, both for their different way of looking at the world. Richard Morgans altered carbon trilogy is excellent, as are the polity series by Neal Asher (both science fiction)
Spike Milligan, Greg Bear, Arthur C Clarke, Alan Moore, Christopher Moore and many others, these are just off the top of my head.

Oh my, those were exactly the words I was going to use. Yes, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, followed by a few German authors (E.T.A. Hoffmann, R.M.Rilke, Theodor Storm) and all the story telers of the world. I have been reading for many decades now. The classics, the political tomes, poetry and critiques. Ten came the science fiction phase, which I read in English - good strategy if you want to really learn a language. Now I have arrived at the alternate universe literature. I greatly admire Pratchett's and Gaiman's use of simple language and interesting setence construction. Actually, it all started with Douglas Adams. I am glad I am alive to experience all of these writers, and experience them as audio books. I live to be read to. The universe in my head has vastly expanded.


Alice Hoffman, I love her magic realism.
Also Armistead Maupin, especially "Tales of the City" and "Maybe the Moon."


Thanks to a Victorian Literature class in college I learned to love English novelist Thomas Hardy. "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" is a favorite, and so is "Return of the Native." Hardy always created magnificent heroines that I could not help but fall in love with. I also enjoy Jane Austen, "Pride and Prejudice" particularly. Among American novelists, Thomas Wolfe is a favorite. "Look Homeward Angel" is his first and best novel. I loved his detailed and vivid descriptions of scenes. I also enjoyed all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novels, as well as William Faulkner. Among non-fiction writers it's got to be Hunter S Thompson. I've read about everything he's written and enjoyed all of it.

Hunter S. Thompson would be right up there on my favorites list.


Tom Clancy, for his ability to write 16 paragraphs describing a brick wall and it still be interesting. Favorite book - Red Storm Rising.

Stephen King - wasn't a huge fan until I read his Magnum Opus, and realized every single book he had written was in the same universe.
Favorite book(s) - The Dark Tower series.

Brandon Sanderson - for world building and character development. Truly a master of his craft.
Favorite book(s) - Mistborn Trilogy.

SirJet Level 5 June 24, 2018

Kurt Vonnegut
Marcus Aurelius
Lao Tzu
Sun Tzu

Etre Level 7 June 24, 2018

ann rice loved her novels about witches and new orleans
and jane eyre was a book i read many times in high school just loved it
fav poem is rhyme of the acnient mariner


Any poem from Charles Bukowski.


The lord of the rings.I loved those those books, as well as the hobbit.I had mixed fellings about making making them. But to my joy, Peter Jactction was a grateful co- writer, but a great director. for for him bring my favorite set of my books to life was awesome.

All of the above note great writers and books


Charles Fraiser's Return to cold mountain....Hemmingwayesque in his writing.

I'm going to check it out ...thanks!


Mark Twain & Terry Pratchett because of the wit & humor.

What genre does Terry Pratchett write about?

@Earthling50 , It's comedy with a whole lot of wit. If you ever read anything by him, I recommend Discworld.

@chucklesIII thanks for the recommendation- I will definitely get it??


Franz Kafka - The Trial. The fear of unknown consequence for unknown reason. The poetry of Robert Frost and Dylan Thomas


Inferno by Dante, IT by Stephen King, American Psycho by Brent Easton Ellis


In my early teens , Andre' Norton started me on a SciFi binge - Issac Asimov , Robert Heinline , soon followed , LOVE Terri Pratchett's witches of his Disc World series . Robert Asprin's Myth series . J.R.R. Tolkin , J.K.Rawlings ,


I read the entire A Song of Ice and Fire series and I loved it. I also really enjoyed Dan Brown.

Ed212 Level 4 June 25, 2018

Dan Brown is an amazing author; I love his character, Robert Langdon and books Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code.


Thanks everyone! I'm always looking for great books to read so really appreciate this. Some of my favorites are Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. Its a story about his life as a heroin addict / bank robber and his escape from prison in Australia to India where he lived for a time before turning himself in to escape India. He's a brilliant gifted writer, paints his world in words as I've rarely experienced. []
another one is called The Demon Haunted World - Science as a Candle in the Dark by the late astronomer - Carl Sagan Its one of the great must read books in my opinion.

Ken Follet is another author I got into for a while ... I really enjoyed 'Pillars if the Earth' and 'Whiteout' []

One of the best ever fun reads was Robin Sloans "Mr. Penumbras 24 Hour Bookstore. Its an Audible book narrated by Ari Fliakos ( great voice). also really enjoyed Ready Player One ( another Audible book) []

Love the Ken Follet books. Also, Edward Rutherford.

@wiesendanger2 Ken Follet is a brilliant researcher and story teller; gripping. I read Pilliars of the Earth and a few others. A departure from his regular genra is Whiteout - I loved that book!

@Earthling50 I also love Vonnegut, Tom Robbins, Hunter S. Thompson.

@wiesendanger2 I will check them out! I really appreciate the info ?

  1. B. Traven -documented the struggle of the marginalized people's in Mexico and Central America in fiction (wrote -Treasure of the Sierra Madre - most popular, but not his best

  2. J. R. R. Tolkien -need I say more

  3. Umberto Eco - Name of the Rose and Faucsult's Pendulum -excellent intellectual writer

  4. Itso Calving - anything he's written -another unsurpassed intellectual writer

  5. Jean Giano - Horseman on the Roof (novel sbout Black Plague in southern France - compelling - made into a movie)

t1nick Level 8 June 24, 2018

LOTR, The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, Song of Ice and Fire, The Heart Is A Linely Hunter, The Seeking Sword, The Thin Man, The Maltese Falcon, The Lady In The Lake, The Blind Barber, The Chosen, The Painted Bird, The Sound And The Fury, The Trrial, The Metamorphosis, The Penal Colony, The Plague, The Apology, Candid, Moby Dick, The House of the Seven Gables............


Generally I mostly read non fiction particularly history and WW2 and political books. Michael Dyson, the genius, recently wrote a book on truth and the effects of racism on African Americans. But my favorite fiction is “To Kill a Mocking bird ( Harper Lee, I think) but there are so many books that when I’ve gone to a huge school or city library and almost have an anxiety attack I get so overwhelmed by the shear number of books

Regarding WW II, have you read any of British historian David Irving's books? I've read both volumes of "Hitler's War, " also "Churchill's War" and "The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe (The Life of Field Marschal Erhard Milch." Irving's books are hard to come by and expensive. Something similar but readily available for a modest price is "Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War," by Pat Buchanan. Years ago I read Adolf Galland's book, "The Luftwaffe at War: 1939-1945." Recently I read "A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of WW II."

Thanks to you I just bought ‘To Kill A Mockingbird ‘ ....Heard about it for years I know it’s a classic & you’ve inspired me...I’m really looking forward to reading it ?


My favorite author is Dean Koontz. I just love his style of writing.

My favorite book is "Killer Animals" by Edward Ricutti. I used to read it every other weekend at my Dad's house. When I graduated Basic Training, he gave it to me. Now it's been all over the World with me.

I love getting to know what people love to read; it inspires me to expand my genre of reading. I'll definitely check out Edward Ricutti. Dean Koontz on the other hand is a brilliant writer but I can't handle horror; keeps me up at night.

Not sure if it matters, but KA is non-fiction. And it was written in the mid 70's, lol. I still love it though!

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