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Hi guys! So, I'm Emily, I graduated this past spring with my BS in biology. I am beginning my masters in biology with a concentration in neuroscience this fall. I have been dealing with anxiety and depression since middle school. I want to earn my PhD and become a researcher/professor. Particularly, I want to research mental illness. Empathy is at the core of my person, and I do what I can to spread love and kindness wherever I go. I live with my cat Jasper. I love coffee/tea, cooking, baking, reading, swimming, hiking, kayaking, and general shenanigans with friends and family. I'm very much a perfectionist, but I enjoy crafting projects now and again (details are awesome). What about you?

eempathy8 4 June 26

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Welcome aboard!


let me emphasize one word for you - corvids. I could spend my whole life studying corvids.


Welcome to the group.

The group "Feline Fanatics" is a great place to post and see cat photos.

I have found "Empathy is at the core of my person" to be potentially self-destructive if you "spread love and kindness" and place the needs of others above your own. Not realizing this until later in life dictated my -eternally single status- outcome.

My best friend (who I greatly respect) is a perfectionist and, although he has his PHD from Stanford, also successfully battles emotional issues. After much discussion, he noted being a perfectionist has been the core of many of his anxiety and depression issues. For him I think brilliance, determination and being a perfectionist is a double edge sword.

Hope you find this website a good experience. Most (not all) on these pages respect the virtue of science and research.

I am well aware of how tricky empathy can be. It is very much a double edged sword. I am very inteaspective and i do everything I can to monitor myself both mentally and physically. I have been gradually learning my own self worth. It’s a process but I will never stop growing and learning all I can’. Thank you for your added perspective!


Welcome to the community. Hope you enjoy it here. There are a lot of great conversations,ideas and fun , too.


Hi Emily welcome to a freethinker community.



We have groups for every single one of your interests. 😉


Congratulations. Keep going, you'll get there xx

Amisja Level 8 June 26, 2018

You found a good place to find friends, and help too. Now just look around, ask some questions, and enjoy!


Hello Emily. Find a topic and have fun. Some people might not respect you or be rude -- ignore them or block them. The rest of us have rallying conversations and have solved all the world's problems. 🙂

xyz123 Level 7 June 26, 2018

Heck yes! Thank you for the warm welcome!


Hi Emily. I have found that kava kava is useful for acute anxiety, TMG(tri-methyl-glycine) for depression, and physical exercise for both.

It's good to be a perfectionist in your work as long as you don't expect to ever achieve perfection. “Gentlemen, we will chase perfection, and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence.” Vince Lombardi

Thank you so much! I’m currently taking Lexapro, and a regular routine is very helpful!


Welcome to our humble home. Read, post, comment and enjoy yourself !


Welcome, Emily. This is a good site. I hope you enjoy it.

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