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"They" are demanding civility...really? What "they" mean is...they want civility for white Christians. Period. I wish every one of the conservative, hypocritical, Nazi-esque herd animals causing so much grief in this country and across the globe would just go ahead on over and colonize Mars. Good riddance.

ReadyforaChange 7 June 27

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Look at all the senators in Russia right now all of them Republicans for the secret meeting


Yes i agree


They don't want civility, they want compliance and therefore do not deserve civility. People protest in the streets, a few get out of hand, they call it a riot. And then NFL players kneel, and they say it is disrespectful to the troops and thus uncivil. These people support putting humans in concentration camps. There is nothing they will accept that opposes their bigotry. They are the uncivil ones. All they deserve is contempt and opposition at every step.


They exploited our civility for too long. No more.


I pondered for a very short time on where I stood on the civility issue, and decided that it made no sense to behave civilly to a morally bankrupt, racist administration that creates internment camps for children.

As I read in "Civility is a nice idea, but it should be the reward for securing a more just nation."


We cannot be rid of these people soon enough. I think we all should be civil but if they are not on board with civility for all, why should I play their silly little game. Our country is in shambles


What a load of giant hateful hypocrisy. They are such bastards


I say ship them now

jab60 Level 6 June 27, 2018

Everyone before me on this his post pretty much said it all. I support every thing they said. Fuck the hypocrites. Hypocrisy is the only thing in which they excell.


They can shove their cries for "civility", and their hypocrisy, up their asses.
Being "civil" is bullshit. It's time to fight fire with fire. They've been dishing it out, now it's their turn to take it.


Civility, huh. Does that mean they will stop shooting to kill if you are a person of color?


make mars great again


I posted this link yesterday. Godwin's law not withstanding...

From PZ Myers at Pharyngula: Hindsight is 20/20: []

It's amazing how we repeat ourselves time after time.

RichCC Level 8 June 27, 2018

Having your face slapped by someone calling for civility is not something even the polite and kind should tolerate. Slap back harder and let it be known that correcting bad behavior is a kindness. My dad was of the generation that buried a lot of Nazis. He never boasted about it but never expressed any regret ether.


you must be ready for a change

btroje Level 9 June 27, 2018

I agree!!! They can demand all they want, but they need to walk their talk or get the hell gone!!! They have no empathy, compassion or concern so they can take their demands and shove em!!!!


For eight years Barack Obama took an incredible amount of abuse from these asswipes and didn't so much as flinch. Now their man is getting hit hard and they're begging for civility.

How's about FUCK NO!!!!!!!

webbew1 Level 7 June 27, 2018

That wouldn't work. The planet is red. They need to colonize one of those icy moons around Jupiter or Saturn.

godef Level 7 June 27, 2018

(Uranus) better suited

@oldFloyd not mine


(play really old Batman theme song) SPACE FORCE!!!!


Straight, white, christian, males. The privileged class and only ones that matter.

... soooo many jokes... Rude but Soo funny ?

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