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Neighbor saw this fox on his porch yesterday

Bigwavedave 8 June 30

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Wow...great picture. We see them crossing thru our property up here in the mountains occasionally - but they've never gotten too close to the house.


How cute! It looks like a young female gray fox.

Here's a trail cam photo of a female gray fox photographed near our farm pond, Morehead, KY


Grey fox is native. Red fox is illegal alien. Looks like a hybrid.


That's a little cutie.


They’re smart and skittish! 33 years in the deep woods (of Oregon) and it was very rare, maybe 4 times I saw a (gray or red) fox … usually during the worst winter weather. Built a ‘fox feeder’ where we’d place a dog biscuit for them, but the only time I’d see them was the middle of the night, using some powerful lights.. Finally gave up looking ~

Varn Level 8 June 30, 2018

So its amazing eh?

@Bigwavedave ...knowledgeable sorts had informed me that ‘if you see a fox in the day, it may be rabid’.. If amazingly so!

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