Do women look older than men at the same age? I really pissed off a contemporary of mine when I said that I thought women in my age group (late sixties) looked older than men of the same age. If so at what age does it begin?
Uh yeah. That's a huge generalization. The perception that women look older than men of the same age is that all our lives we've been expected to look like beauty queens and Barbies. So that when we do start aging, men perceive it as not retaining that glorified beauty standard. The upkeep we have to maintain is incredible . Also a lifetime of habits and lifestyle eventually catches up with each of us, for instance smoking and drinking heavily takes a larger toll on those that indulge. Also sun exposure. While we're all supposed to have a beautiful tan, the sun does incredible damage to our skin, so those of us who grew up in the 50s and 60s laying out in the sun are naturally going to have more skin damage. My great-grandparents were farmers up in Kansas. They had a hardscrabble life and looked much older at 67 than I do. For as long as I can remember it's been the opinion of many, that men age better, they look more handsome with gray at the temples, etc etc ad nauseam. Give us a break ! When I look at some of the photos of the men my age on this site and others, I have the same opinion ..... that they look awful and I look younger . But that's my perception, just like it's your perception that women your age look older than you. In addition, many women simply get sick of maintaining their beauty regimen which is an enormous list : weight control, hair , makeup, eyelashes, tweezing, shaving, mani/pedi, jewelry, clothing etc. Please don't generalize, and don't judge until you've performed all of the above list every single day for 50+ years (since approx 13 yo).
Well said, duchess...well said
I'm put in mind of a cartoon that makes the rounds periodically. In one panel, a lovely woman looks in the mirror and sees an old hag. In the next, a slovenly, pot-bellied, balding man looks in the mirror and sees Mr. Universe, bursting with vital energy.
This is pretty much a function of the slack men are cut in our society and culture, and the objectification of women in that same culture. Men are not shamed for their appearance nearly so readily as women in my experience. The very fact that men slap on shirt and pants, run a brush through their hair and done -- compared to women who need an hour to feel presentable (and competitive with other women) tells you everything you need to know in my view.
Yeah the "are you feeling well?" Comments whenever we don't wear makeup get pretty old.
How the heck did you manage to survive into your sixties saying stuff like that???
It is women that I've heard suggest men get better looking as they age. I've heard this often enough that I see it now. Not an absolute but like all generalizations it does happen often enough.
Haha. The hell they do
@Blindbird well there are always exceptions to every rule. LOL
@Deanervin nah man. Men THINK they look better with age because they believe the flattery of women out to get something from them. No one at all looks more appealing, sexually, at 50 then they did at 30. Mens egos are just that prone to flattery.
@Blindbird too funny
Funny you ask that. I think you are absolutely correct sir!!!! Just looking back at my graduating class. The men look better that the woman and the make up!!!!! It's punishment for not dating me when I was Goofy. Anyway karma is real.
It seems some men tend to be conceited and they think they are all that. Checking out just the members on this site, I think generally men look older.
Aging is extremely variable, and the rate of age appearance may be linked to specific races and subgroups. One can look at many Asians, Americans and Africans to see some people who have few wrinkles. Yet, others in those groups do get severely wrinkled too. I can't recall seeing the same tight skin on Europeans. Diet and other lifestyle factors likely play a big part.
I think it just depends on the person, I've met men and ladies that have aged well, and both that haven't.
Thanks really appreciate that
You certainly do look beautiful! And I have no idea how old you are!