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Can I ask what everyone’s favourite “Tipple” is.? ? ? ? ?

Storybook 7 July 3

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Cognac. Once on a flight from Kuala Lumpur, I picked up a bottle of Extra Prince Hubert de Polignac Cognac, advertised as being acceptable to the Sultan of Brunei. To say it was nice would be an understatement.


Whatever is free.

JK666 Level 7 July 6, 2018

Black tea.


Dewars on the rocks, also any top shelf gin, vodka, rum, or tequila on th rocks.

@Storybook lol...l think that's a Long lsland ice Tea. ?


Sapphire and Tonic.


Bicardi white with fresh Orange juice. And not the Juice that come out a Synagogue on a Saturday.


kahlua, creme, shot of Coca Cola...a good old Texas Mother F-cker

Was the dash really necessary? ?

@Sticks48 Being new to the site, I didn't want to risk being put into something like FB jail...I have a potty mouth, so I am trying to refrain whenever I can out of...deference to

@thinktwice l appreciate your discretion. I wish l fucking had some. ☺

@Sticks48 did you mean to say that you you wished to have some fucking? Confused...ha ha ha

@thinktwice lol...Of course l need that! I could probably use some discretion also. ?


Wine I prefer a South American Red like a Carmenere or a Malbec, White an Australian or South African Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc, Prosecco or Vino Verde for the more sparkling varieties.
Beer is usually organic lager of some sort and only when it's very hot.
Spirits are as follows
Rye - White Owl Whisky, Crown Royal Northern Harvest
Gin - Bombay Sapphire or Hendricks
Vodka - I prefer Russian but Tito's Handmade has a nice bite to it too
Rum - Gosling's Black Rum for a mixer and Ron Zacapa for a sipper

@TheresaReid2 I've always felt that life was too short to drink cheap booze. 😉 I enjoy a drink with friends but I have no patience with drunks because I never do that and often wind up baby sitting them, very unacceptable behavior.

@Storybook It's hard to have a good time when you just no some idiot with know self control is going to depend on you to mother hen them safely home. Not my circus, not my monkey.

@Storybook I would go out with my guys after work on a Friday when I was still single but I always got out of there after 2 drinks. I was responsible for my guys all week and I didn't want to babysit them after work. I remember throwing up once back in 95' I think after a drinking game at a stag party and another time when I was about 17, can't imagine how people see the fun it. 😀


I don't kiss and tell lol

Qiru Level 6 July 3, 2018

@Storybook it has me on a good buzz, something like a day the beach. There is a hint In there

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