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So how did Noah get the critters from Australia across the ocean to his canoe and then get them back home?? Penguins too?? Where did all the Spiders roost? Did he also have Hedgehogs? Silly answers only...

veRONicaMeower 4 July 4

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In my honest opinion. Every story in that book are so amazingly silly it's not even worth questioning or debating them.


Bwa ha ha


This meme is pretty funny

Did they uber the koalas back, too?

@chalupacabre haha, must have. Maybe for payment for picking up the bones.

@chalupacabre I love the image of koala bears sitting in the back seat of an Uber. Mellow customers.


Well you see....
A modern misconception it that Noah had a boat, he didn't he had an ark. An ark is actually a box, think Indiana Jones Ark of the Covenant. And the only way that a box is going to fit that may animals inside is if it's bigger on the inside. And who has a boxes bigger on the inside, that's right Time Lords. Now I'm not say that Noah was definitely the Doctor but he was without a doubt from Gallifrey.


He didn't. It's all bollocks.



Salo Level 7 July 5, 2018



Because Santa helped him


See, here's how it worked...

They loaded all the animals into the boat, and everything was fine for a few weeks... but the weight of all the accumulated droppings was weighing them down low in the water. So they took some shovels, tossed the droppings over the side, and named the result "Australia"....

(Sorry, sorry... )

In the UK we tend to say So they took some shovels, tossed the droppings over the side, and in 1492 Columbus ran in to it.




Baby animals, they get along better with each other. 🙂

Betty Level 8 July 5, 2018

Spiders spun giant kites for each animal they disolved after they were used thus no evidence ...

I was watching a video just recently on spiders who spin 'balloon' webs that allows them to be airborne. Pretty amazing your 'theory' is based on reality!!!! 😀

@patchoullijulie yeah I saw a quick video on Facebook gave me the idea

@Simon1 They were pretty amazing right. My worst nightmare....flying spiders!!!!


Penguin cannon... 70 foot barrel, aim for the nearest body of water, they'll be fine.

I still prefer the cat launcher.

@Paul4747 You mean a Catapult?


Through God, all things are possible.

-Winner of silliest answer award

Ed212 Level 4 July 5, 2018

I am really tired of Noah's ark jokes. If there was an ark, it was loaded with critters native to the local of the ark. The local historians, who wrote the story, had no knowledge of critters on the other side of the world. Noah built the ark because he hallucinated gods orders. The great flood never covered the whole earth, but only the lands near the boat. I know this stuff because god told me last night in a nightmare, after I passed out from too much scotch.


Obvi's all of the animals used to live in Asia minor, and after their time on the ark they had to scatter to get some space...


Personally I like the alien theorist theory. They believe that the ark did not carry animals, but carried a sample of their DNA. That is a lot more manageable than carrying the animal itself.


You forgot; the Ark also had dinosaurs. Those must have been some really heavy duty floors.

So that explains what killed off the dinosaurs. It was those damn hedgehogs!

Maybe 'tarpit' was a polite way of referring to the bilge.....


Just like Santa Claus gets all the presents under the tree, he beams them there. Noah was a wise dude and besides being able to build a boat that would hold both dinosaurs and people he was able to feed them all with nothing spread thin. Had plenty of water to drink though.


I don't think so either but my Mom always said...
Don't you think that if God told Noah to build the boat he would make sure it floated and worked out just the way he wanted it to?
Faith was always her answer...blind faith...

Blind Faith one of my favorite albums. Oh shit now you know I am old.


The problem wasn’t getting them there. The problem was keeping the rabbits to only 2...


God gave Noah embryo technology. As embryos are very small he had the ability to grow millions of "kinds?" of creatures instantly. Noah used transporter tech to place all "kinds?" of animals everywhere. The Bible says there is nothing new under the sun. Transporters in Star Trek are so 60s. You just have to think out side the box/Ark


Worms were in the wood...

R1LEY Level 2 July 5, 2018

Yes, but they did not eat all the way through the hull.


Another Important question is how did he get Pandas to mate. It has to be done artificially now. However he did it, it had to be pretty gross.


Good question. For most of the items of practical impossibility I can find a sensible allegory. Even the flood, as there are tales of an inundation from many folk tales of the region, has probably some ancient source. Maybe a breach at the Dardenelles to create The Black Sea. After all, the Ark apparently comes to rest on Mt Ararat . But I can't get the animal thing. My suspicion is that it is a back engineered story grafted on to the flood myth to answer "so why are the animals here"

I have been pondering the ark as allegorical for a farm, or at least the animal husbandry part of farming.

As humans transitioned from nomadic to agricultural society there had to be elements of the oral histories that helped people get their heads around leaving their established nomadic/Hunter/gatherer survival methods and trading them for new farming and domestication of animals.

In both ark and farm you need two of each animal that you intend to breed and you need to work your ass off in the good times and save up to prepare for bad times(winter/flood) and protect the animals.

@Jagnostic that's a good point, like transition from hunter/gatherer to settlement. Certainly fit the time frame for oral transmission. Reckon you are on to something there!

@Jagnostic Actually it would be impossible to start any population with just two animals. The inbreeding would kill them all in just a few generations. #farmboy


Jonah's whale! Apparently there was an apartment complex inside. If the world is going to flood, why not send a giant whale to store animals inside since the previous tenant had moved out?

Only one problem with that hypothesis. The time frame is wrong. Jonah moved in AFTER the animals!

...unless of course there was another pre-flood tenant whose name was also Jonah!

You are forgetting miracles being scattered from above like rice at a wedding!

@Holysocks good point


I'm stuck on how he Built the Ark, never mind who he supposedly put into it.

It was a part works supplement that he had to subscribe to for about three years. And then the publisher went bust before they despatched the edition with the rudder

... Or maybe a project from one of those DIY shows and he just got lucky when the rains came.

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