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Toward the end of the separation of church and state. []

happyhiker1 7 July 6

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This is the second thread of this ilk I have commented on in two days. There is no question that the wall of separation is under direct attack by the Trump Administration. Our best defense is to support the FFRF (mentioned in this article). They are the organization most actively combating this. When I say support, I mean put your money where your mouth is. Seriously. There are 40K members. I'm sure some are already members of FFRF, but we could more than double the size (and financial clout) of the FFRF if everyone supported them.


It definitely looks bad. There is no doubt that Trump will nominate a right winger. It's definitely time to join organizations such as the Freedom From Religion Foundation. We definitely need to become more active politically.


Religious secularists need to join the fray. Atheist Ireland works with Protestant and Muslim groups to campaign against imposed Catholic propaganda in our schools. There are too few atheists to effect change. I know in some parts of the US atheists are as popular as serial killers.


France did it definitively in 1905, Ireland is belatedly doing it, and the US is undoing it.In Ireland'srecent abortion referendum, a deluge of targeted anti choice propaganda emanating from the US failed. We've lived through and an extent are still living through theocracy. Even believers realize it sucks.

What?! The US tried to interfere in a foreign election?! ?

@chalupacabre Who would have thought.


Will the staff of the New York Times be out on the streets protesting?


Your right about separation of church and state. We just have to remind people to keep them separate, and whatever they want to do on there own time use up to them.

Unfortunately the religious right doesn't want to keep them separate. It's up to us to see that it is.

The way things are going, good luck with that.


Same ol' shit, just ratcheting up to another level of abuse. It was the McCarthy era that brought us " help me god" added to our pledge a allegiance and "Under God" added to our money. On the Forth of July, I was listening to an npr story about citizen naturalization happening that day and suddenly realized the pledge they make the immigrants say to become citizens includes "so help me God." There's a fine "Fuck you" to atheists. The implication that to be a real American you have to publically endorse the fantasy of there being god (monotheistic, specifically).

This is a human rights issue. I had no idea the United States was so bad.


You already have that enshrined in your Constitution (articles 1 and 6). The religious right are riding roughshod over the Constitution and distorting what your founding fathers intended. Rise up, as you did against colonisation . A second revolution is what I suggest!

I continue to say that the Constitution is nothing more to Republicans and Evangelicals than something that needs to be done away with and replaced with "biblical law" and whatever interpretation suits them at any give moment.


The only wall they seem to want is the one with Mexico.


The separation has always been a fairly narrow one.

And getting narrower!

@Marionville Soon to be non-existent. If the citizenry does not care enough to vote, they get what the voters want and what they deserve.

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