[theroot.com] Not sure if that works, because the link function is giving me shit. Basically our Cheeto in Chief has created a denaturalization task force to oust naturalized immigrants out of the country.
And what happens if some of these human beings are working in American businesses? Will the business be fined and named and shamed?
I don't think so somehow.
Sooo,, these people committed fraud and perjury in order to get naturalized? Then l don't see a problem with this.
How far back do you think they should take these sorts of investigations, one generation, several generations? A lot of people have emigrated to North America in the past century and most of them didn't have proper paper work. Seems to me that Trumps grandfather had a rather undesirable and checkered past as far as immigration was concerned, deported for criminal activities if I recall correctly. Do we just deport Trump or do his kids and his current wife have to go too?
I wonder if his wife is on the list.
@Surfpirate It wouldn't be a question of how far back by generations, it's a person to person case scenario, so your premise is all wrong to begin with. And as for Don's Grandfather Frederic, l suggest you do a little research before making claims on peoples past like that. Ignorance is excusable, but wilful ignorance followed with slander is just sad. Cheers
@Captain_Feelgood Thanks for asking me to check on the illustrious grandfather of your pal, Don the Con. He was deported by the Germans for being a draft dodger, a long line of foot problems in that family, maybe genetic? He ran a dodgy brothel during the gold rush as well, with a shady partner but yeah, definitely a really upstanding guy. Bad Hombre with a reputation for groping women too, so little changes over the years.
@Surfpirate Hahaaa,,, a dodgy brothel... you mean the one he and Levin opened in your sanctimonious country of Canada? pffft... yeah, you Canadians couldn't help but spend your hard earned gold dust on a little strange, could you. And exactly how was Levin shady exactly? They ran a hotel with a restaurant. It was quite common for women of ill repute to hang out in such places. Pretty much every hotel with any class was going to have a few, so what's your point? We're talking about the late 1800s you know.. Seriously, how about you just keep your happy ass up there in Canada and worry about your own PM and who all accuses him of groping them at parties... We'll take care of our president , you take care of yours.. Deal?
@Captain_Feelgood Canadians would be a lot less interested in your President if he would mind his own damn business but then he and his followers aren't very good at that are they? Be a better neighbour and a better friend and people will like you more. Canadians can go anywhere on the planet and be welcomed with open arms, Americans? Not so much. I wonder why that is? Maybe it's people like you who love their President Cheeto so much they won't even see it coming when he screws them and everyone else over - Butt Huge.
@Surfpirate Like us more?? Haahaha.. yeah, okay.. The day more people immigrate to Canada than here, you send me a note and then we'll talk.. And for the first time, we DO have a president minding OUR business, and rocking it. So you can throw out your snarky little claims and ad hominems and childish name calling all you want, the facts remain the same. And we're fine with that. Tootles..
@Captain_Feelgood Get you facts straight, Canada gets about 300k immigrants every year and the US gets about 1M immigrants per year but the US has 10 times the population of Canada. Our influx of immigration as a percentage of our population is 3x as great as the US and we take in all of the refugees that Trump's government turns away in spite of the US military industrial complex helps to create. You don't think you need friends but you will when Trump and his cronies turn on you and the rest of the Trumpettes but it will be too late then, don't bother knocking, the welcome mat will be taken up long before then.
@Stepmomofdragons Vacancies? pffftt.. You don't think there's a million more waiting in line to take their place? l can tell right now you're way too clueless to even discuss this with.. And your little fellatio comment proves you're to low class to discuss...well, anything with.. Have a nice life..
@Surfpirate Mmmmmm,, no, you get YOUR facts straight.. You know, if you even TRIED to do a little research before posting that crap, you'd save yourself a lot of embarrassment... no... seriously.. haaahahaha...
@Captain_Feelgood You're technicolor dreaming, you cite an oped piece and ignore the hard numbers. Sad, Very Sad # Trumpidiot, Loser
@Surfpirate An oped, that cites links backing up what it says? You know that makes it more than just an oped, right? And there you go with the ad hominems and name calling again.. Why can't you people understand that when you do that, 2 things happen. 1st you show how immature and of low lQ you are, and 2nd it shows your frustration not being able to back up your claims, thus proving you've lost the argument.. I think I'm done here. You can respond if you like, but l won't be reading it, much less responding.. Have a great day.
@Captain_Feelgood Are you sure that you aren't a closet theist? You certainly have the persecuted victim shtick down pat. Grow up and try to be a better human being, someone your mother would be proud of.
He is following lockstep in shoes of Hitler. Fuhrer Trump must be stopped.