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Since you all have been non believers, has it ever crossed your mind "what if im wrong"?

Bam85 6 Jan 3

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Not a for a second.
Too much scientific evidence disproves every religious myth


Yes, once. And after the 2.5 nanoseconds it lasted I was right as rain.


How would we know if we were wrong?


People with this attitude strike me as someone in a Vegas casino who are looking at the last chips in their hand that say "Well I may as well bet these, I MIGHT win. And if I lose, what more did it cost me?"
You had another option. Walk away from the table and refuse to play. Go buy a souvenir on the strip or buy the cheap buffet.


At one point or another it has crossed my mind, but it’s not something I’ve ever put serious thought into. I simply look around at all the “good” christians, see what assholes they can be when they think they are going to be rewarded or punished for their actions in the end, and think that if a god did exist then they should (theoretically) be a just and rational god and know that I’ve been a good person just because I want to be and not because I thought I’d be rewarded. That in and of its self is pretty selfless and should be highly looked upon by this so called god so I should be good no matter if I’m right or wrong.


God is a made up human word..animals don't know of such things..look at whales and elephants their brains are huge..l do believe they're smarter than us even though they don't speak human..we've yet to find evidence they worship...anything.


God is a made up human word..animals don't know of such things..look at whales and elephants their brains are huge..l do believe they're smarter than us even though they don't speak human..we've yet to find evidence they worship...anything.


I 've got to quote bill Maher on this one"BUT I'M NOT WRONG!" religion of all manner is bogus as far as coming from a divine source. It is strictly human doctrine.


Yes, l have..but then l look around the world and all the horrible things happening and how man is the one destroying everything, especially the very planet we live on and think no god would let us continue in this fashion..l firmly believe were the parasites killing our host.


The wager is widely considered one of the weakest arguments for a religion. It incorrectly poses the outcome of the wager as having only two possible outcomes. In fact, there is an infinite set of possible outcomes, as there are an infinite set of possible gods which can be divided into a plethora of infinite subsets. One subset of gods might not have an afterlife, another might accept anybody into an afterlife, another might have criteria that disqualify all human beings. Your chance of picking the right god is actually 1/?, otherwise known as zero.


nope... not scared that santa will suddenly appear and tell me that i'm to get coal in my stocking 😛


Not since my final few years as a JW. I understand wanting to hedge your bets, especially after investing many years in a futile attempt to secure your seat in a paradise fantasy afterlife. I hated to throw in the towel until it occurred to me that IF they were right and I stuck with it, I would have to live forever amongst this self-righteous, boring, mysogenistic group. Realizing I could choose to live the rest of my life free to find my own truth and experience some authentic joy, or I could sacrifice the balance of my life to the vague promises of future rewards held out by this depressing cult, I took a deep breath and ran for my life. 40 years later and despite the shunning I endure, I never regret or question my choice.


I'd be pissed and I would look at whatever deity or deities happen to be the right one and ask plainly, "Why did you intentionally mislead billions of people? Why did you withhold evidence of your existence?" I'd probably drop some F-bombs in there too.


Certainly. I hope I am. I want to give that sucker a piece of my mind.


Considering the numerous religions and add on the numerous denominations of religions all of which play by the rule that they are right and all others are wrong the odds that any one religion is right are astronomical. The odds that a person actually picks the one religion that may be true is also astronomical. So it's less "what if I'm wrong?" and more "why does everyone assume their right?".


My journey from believer to atheist took about ten years. Once I reached the point where I no longer believed in the existence of any kind of god (especially a revealed one that involves itself in human affairs) I never asked myself that question. If there should be some sort of creator being, force, energy, with self-awareness, I have no concerns that it is anything like the petty, vengeful, all-too-human god of the Bible.


As a youth, you’re never sure who or what to trust, and will often doubt yourself, so that shouldn’t count... As an adult, with observation and experience -- I’ve absolutely no doubt whatsoever that anything the least bit resembling any god concept I’ve ever come across is the least bit true. And after settling with my cosmic insignificance, I work to make the most of it!

Varn Level 8 Jan 3, 2018

Not really. But if I die and suddenly find myself facing God, Allah, or hopefully Freyja I will be able to look them in the eye and take responsibility for my life. Fólkvangr sounds good by me if there is an afterlife. So it doesn't matter if I am wrong.

If I were in such a similar circumstance, I'd be telling this god to go f#@k itself for being such an a$$hole.

As far as I can tell, humans are 100% to blame for their failings, I see no evidence of supernatural meddling to account for them.


Not sincerely. “Everybody Is Wrong About God” establishes a compelling argument that I haven’t been able to dismiss, but Jesus and other gods I’ve not been convinced of.


If course. That is the process of belief, doubt, overwhelming doubt missed with lingering fear, to full freedom.


In high school, I told a Brother that I didn't feel comfortable giving the confession of faith, because I didn't believe it and that if there is a God that God wouldn't want me to lie. I also always found inconsistency in the idea of an all knowing loving creator that would build you just to be damned to hell.


No. I'm perhaps a little cynical and think just wait until those believers die, they'll see!


Not much anymore but i have that .01 % cuz anything and everything could be all FUCKED UP!!


Briefly, early on.

But no more.

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