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One pillow, two pillows or more? How many pillows do you like to sleep with?

I have 12 pillows plus two brand new ones still in their bags.

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pixiedust 8 July 9

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Two, both under my head. If I am in some other bed, one pillow will work if I double it up.


I've got half a dozen of them that I just kind of pile up and then burrow into until my head and limbs are supported properly. It's probably why folks refer to me as a nesting creature.


I am permitted one pillow. My sleeping dog gets the other 5.


One pillow but I'd rather have a cuddler than a pillow



I sleep with 8 pillows and could use more. I pile them all around me so I feel like somebody is snuggling me.

Kanda Level 5 July 9, 2018

No such thing as too many pillows...I even request extras from hotels when I travel...

@SACatWalker Pillows have so many fun uses...losers of a good pillow fight have to be very very nice to me...


Is the quantity of pillows inverse to the quality of the love life?

I hope not.


Three, but of particular types and arranged in a specific order. Medium soft and thin at the bottom to allow blood circulation in the arm if sleeping with arm under the pillows, firm and thin in the middle for correct head support, very soft and fluffy on top for comfort and to prevent your ear getting folded over, because that really hurts when you wake up..

Jnei Level 8 July 9, 2018

This is just the sort of decadence that ultimately destroys a society. Remember, the Romans didn't just sleep on them. They were always lying on them. Until the Visigoths came....

Stink'in goths!


Aaaaah a pillowphile


Just one pillow for me to sleep on. And it's SUPER thin. But I also cuddle with one, if I don't have female companionship.


One buckwheat pillow.


2 for me, usually. That's about the right height to support my neck.
Not a fan of pillows for decoration, or cushions on the sofa to be honest


If I have a girl with me in bed I just need one. Lol

Please don't smother the girl. Let her go home to her mom!


Just a quick question how many bodies do you have in the cellar .......????????

I admit to nothing ...


What a fun post! Good topic. Ok, I've got a body pillow that lays at the top of my bed, then two kingsized pillows on top of that. I'm a it's totally up in the air on what I actually sleep with...sometimes they all land on the floor...


I have 3. One for my head and another on each side so I can raise up a bit and breath. I'm a burrower!


You can't have too many pillows ! 🙂


Way too many to fit on the bed. When one falls off I feel bad about it


Two on the bed. I only sleep with one or the other. Depends on my position at the time.


What is it with women and pillows. Our bed has about 8 on and every night starts with me removing the excess from my side of the bed 😀 Can be useful during sex but for sleeping? Nah! 😀

I agree. It's very irritating..

@Ellatynemouth don't start me on the soft-toy penguins! 😀


Pillows? Who cares? What about lovers?


6 pillows.


It just depends on how thick the pillows are.


Presently sleeping on 4 pillows


I have one pillow I took half the stuffing out of.

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