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How many of you still use the phrases "Oh thank god" or "Dear lord" or something else that references something religious, in your every day vernacular? Since I was born and raised Catholic, these were common place in my family, and I find that I still use them. Is this hypocritical of me to continue to use them? I have made an effort to cut back on my use of these phrases but I find that they still slip out every now and again.

KevinL 4 July 9

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I say "Jesus fucking christ" some, well, when I'm on the road with the maniacs. And I don't thank god for anything. If that phrase should escape me, it's probably because I'm exasperated about something and there will more than likely be a "fucking" in there somewhere.

I just narrow it down to "FUCK" in the exclamation.


To be a hypocrite you'd have to utter these things and actually mean them. It's no more hypocritical than a theist saying "god damn it". They're not really ordering god around or wishing for god's damnation in some considered fashion. It's just an exclamation.

Theists and atheists alike need to take themselves less seriously.


I use "thank the Gods". It pisses off the Christians by citing more than one God.

I don't believe in God/Gods, I just like pissing them off.

I like that.

YES!!! I am doing that. Thank the Gods for putting you on this page to share your knowledge of pissing off Catholics.


I use them sometimes - when something is UNBELIEVABLE!

I see what you did there. Very nice. Cheers


I do it all the time. I don't care. I know what it means (or more to the point,
DOESN'T mean) to me.
I live in the South. I still say "bless your heart" all the damned time.
Most of the time, I use such phrases as expletives.
"Bless your heart" often means the same thing as "fuck you".


God damn

Holy fuck

Jesus fucking Christ

Sweet Jesus

I still use phrases like these.

Really. For a while my kids thought that Jesus' middle name was Fucking.


My personal favourite is “Christ on a cracker”


I was always taught that these kinds of phrases were taking the Lord's name in vain, so they were therefore very naughty things to say. So when I say them now, I have to admit, my inner child smirks and laughs a little, because I can.

Kat Level 5 July 10, 2018

I am terrible about it. Always say god only knows, oh jesus, thank god, blessed be, sweet Mary mother of god


I slip up and say god dammit occasionally. I try not to and it only happens under extreme circumstances. I usually just say "FUCK!"


I do the same thing. I don’t think it’s hypocritical. It’s just what you were brought up in. I know my views and using religious terminology doesn’t really give me pause. I was raised in a religion heavy area and, honestly, I just really don’t care enough to make the attempt to strike these from my vocabulary.

We were recently talking about the use of the phrase " God bless you" when someone sneezes and this is pretty similar as well. Simple or common courtesies are a raised nicetie and a habit we are so used to in order to be "accepted" in mainstream society that we don't really think about them much less give them religious meaning.


I say them all the time and it drives me crazy!

I've been failing miserably


Now that I think about it I guess I do say Thank God. I too was raised Catholic.

Old h abbits die hard


Forgot to mention I've recently picked up James Colmey's "Oh Lordy!" Just like it.


"Oh my God!". I say that sometimes.

I'm trying to replace it with 'Oh my goodness!'.

But since theists don't like people saying 'Oh my God!', because it's blasphemous apparently, I might keep saying it just to annoy them and preserve free speech.

I do however say "Thank God!" all the time. This is problematic. I must stop that.

I like to replace it with "Oxygen & Magnesium!". OMg.


That's very good! ☺️

Hahahaha. Not if you refer to yourself as the Goddess in question like "Oh, me Goddess!"


Sounds like an anxiety not to concern yourself with if you don't mind using those phrases. You can be sure that no one else gives a damn one way or another and if they do, that's their problem, not yours!


When you say of shit your not referencing actual shit.. ??


I do. Sometimes as an instict and sometimes snarky/jokey/sarcastically.


Almost the opposite--I spent a lot of time in Dixie & people would often call you out for "using the Lord's name in vain." The weirdest experience with that was when I was babysitting a preacher's daughters for the first & only time. Every time I said "Oh my god" their little mouths would literally drop open as they stared at me in horror. The most bizarre part of it was these little girls telling me how they liked being mean to an ugly girl at school. I asked them if they thought being ugly meant it was OK to be mean to someone & they said sure! I posed the question a couple different ways, & they really did think that! Tormenting another child was OK but a saying simple word is enough to look for a different babysitter. So anyway I still feel uncomfortable when my kids copy their dad & yell Jesus Christ when they get annoyed.

Carin Level 8 July 9, 2018

Not really, but I have picked up Luke Cage's "Sweet Christmas!"


Nah I'm atheist as they come and I find myself doing that it's just language programming

I mean if we couldn't use religious epithets what would we say during sex


They are no different than Goddamn, sonofabitch, or motherfucker. I don't use those words in a literal sense either.


When I say thank god I am referring to the ruler of Asgard and I always say deer lord.


To me it's just a matter of speech, it in my opinion it doesn't mean any thing than other sayings. we are all products of sayings, and repitsion.. Even though I've never been a believer, I will stutter the word of god, and of jesus when I am having sex, or just simply having gowing wrong.

It's not that Ihave some divine providense to those words mesning any thing. Those words are just a figure of speech.


It's hard to drop phrases you've used for years or things that everyone else says. I say amen to comments that really apply to me or I feel strongly about.


I say "Thank Xena Warrior Princess" Or " By the Gods!"

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