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Would you date someone who is a self-proclaimed psychic/intuitive? This is a follow-up to the very interesting horoscope question I saw today. Would you date someone who believes in tarot cards, hypnotism, mystical powers of gemstones and crystals, psychic readings, and so on ... ?

jujuofthesea 7 July 9

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Huge no! I used to give tarot readings for fun in high school and college. So many people told me I had "a gift" and asked me to teach them (or freaked out and told school officials on me). I always started the first "lesson" by saying that this was all bullshit and explaining cold and warm reading. There was never a second lesson.

People who do it for money get my ire up. I watched my mom cry after a tarot reader talked in detail about my youngest brother and his messages for my family. It kinda broke my heart to explain to her that every single thing the woman said could have been found on Facebook ahead of time, as my aunt had made an appointment. And that the likely reason my other 2 brothers weren't mentioned at all was because they weren't on fb and thus weren't tagged or listed as family anywhere.

I wish there really was a special place in hell for charlatans who prey on the vulnerable and grieving. I'll have to settle for my own burning hatred and calling them out at every chance.


No as they would end up hating me becaus eof the amount of laughing i would do whenever they mentioned it

Simon1 Level 7 July 10, 2018



Might be interesting although i don't think i could live with them


If the person intrigued me and seemed intelligent, I'd be interested to explore their personal beliefs, see how they line up with mine. Overall, though, a long-term relationship with someone who makes life decisions based on mysticism probably wouldn't work for me.


Someone can be intuitive without all the nonsense.

Agreed, especially women. Men not so much.


Do you think that's really true?

@Ellatynemouth l don't know if it is true, but it has certainly been my experience.


No, not likely. My girlfriend isn't atheist, barely even agnostic; she takes it as far as thinking that organized religion is BS, but leaves it at that - she gets into the astrology thing, but that is the extent of her "woo". I don't think I could hang with a woman that takes the stuff you mentioned seriously.


Love sometimes draws us to the most unsuitable people. These beliefs, though crackpot, are usually quite benign and shoudn’t rule them out for dating. Long term though, can’t see it working.


Nope. Woo doesn’t mesh with my life.


Fanatics and extremists of any kind seem to NOT do if for me at all. I have always been intrigued by such things as psychics, intuitives and/or prophetic dreamers..and the more nature based beliefs. But not sure about dating. Would depend on how well we meshed together.

DeiP Level 5 July 10, 2018

My girlfriend is always claiming she knows what's going on. So far she's zip for 1000 "intuitive guesses" perfect example here.


In short.... NO!
I had a super beautiful, and was hard in love, girlfriend in college that became obsessive literally overnight when a stoned, long hair, purple eyes, floppy-wispy mustache asshole read her palms while she was drunk at a party and told her she would be cheated on by her boyfriend with 3 different blond women. We had several arguments about that for weeks. I dumped her about 3 months later when she started threatening me she would stop using the pill so that she would get pregnant and I would never leave her. We were 16-18 yo.

Lukian Level 8 July 10, 2018

Not self-proclaimed. If someone could provide evidence that their talent were real, I’d be fascinated.

UUNJ Level 8 July 10, 2018

You are irrationally lumping together a bunch of things that you dislike. Hypnotism is a thoroughly documented and verified technique.

If I felt drawn toward a person I’d go for it regardless of those differences. It would be boring to agree all the time. Look at the whole person.


Sure as long as it was toned down. Like did it just for fun while knowing its dumb. Lmao


If I were single why not? Depends on the person not the new age beliefs.


I’ve been seeing someone who is a Witch, hasn’t been a problem. She thinks she put a spell on me, I’m ok with that🙂 The important thing is she is not an educator nor is she in politics ... she is aniTrump so we have that going for us.




I’ve known a few people whom I genuinely believe have a touch of the occult (minor precognition, sensing spirits). They never exploit their abilities, and don’t make heavy decisions based on them. I think they think their abilities are more akin to having a sixth finger on their hand; it’s there, they know it’s there, but they don’t draw attention to it. They’re just more adept at playing piano.

PenLOP Level 7 July 10, 2018



If she were clever in other ways, had a nice smile, and thought I was the cat's pajamas, I'd probably go out with her, but at some point I'd probably say, "Here we go with the tarot cards again," and spoil everything.

Hermit Level 7 July 10, 2018

Have you ever been to a hood tarot card reader. I have and what they said became true. Of course it did they did not really say anything that was not interpreted by me to be factual. If you are open to it it can tell you a lot about yourself, you put yourself into it and so what you get back agrees. It almost has to, like writing down a statement, putting it away, then realizing you wrote it when it was true so it is now true. Of course no one can actually predict the future but most of us can be fooled, especially by ourselves.


They would probably not date me if they are too serious about it. I am not able to keep my mouth shut. If it's a hobby and they aren't zealous about it it wouldn't be a deal breaker.


Hell no

Marine Level 8 July 10, 2018

With tbe exception of hypnotism in a clinical setting (hypnotherapy); those are all clues that suggest more serious craziness may lurk beneath the surface.

JimG Level 8 July 10, 2018

Not intentionally. I dated a woman who I knew was a Christian at a time in the distant past when I would have described myself as agnostic. At one point, she left me a voicemail telling me she had just done a Tarot reading that indicated we had a great future together. That sick feeling in my stomach as I listened to the message let me know that we did not in fact have a future together.


Can she cook?

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