Top three movies you watched over and over as a kid.
Mine are:
The Goonies
Never Ending Story
Yeah, it wasn't like today where you have on demand movies, red box, Amazon prime content, and a plethora of movie channels. However in the early 70's there were three or four broadcast channels which would repeat movies once a year. There were typical Easter and Christmas movies that were kind of a tradition so those might be something that you could have watched multiple times as a child. My favorites just happened to be the once a year Halloween selection of horror movies.
Then at some point in the late 70's cable television happened. I recall watching the same movie on HBO multiple times just because they played them so often. If you were lucky enough to have cable back then some of those movies might have been seen multiple times as a kid. I have vague recollections of watching Caddyshack often as a teenager. Rollerball was also a favorite that I recall watching multiple times, not like once a week but more like once every couple of months whenever it was on.
I'm down with all those but depends on when as a kid.
Robinhood Men In Tights
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Sword and the Stone
The Little Mermaid
The Princess Bride
Captain Ron
Home Alone
Back to the Future
Peewee's Big Adventure
Oh no! I forgot Ernest Goes to Camp ?
When I was a kid we did not watch movies over and over. If we saw a movie, we went to a theater and saw it once. (The nearest theater was an hour away by car.) There were no DVDs or VHS tapes. They had not been invented yet. Where my family lived we only got one TV station, and if the wind blew the reception went to shit. If you wanted to be mentally transported to another world your best option was to read a book. We read lots of books. My mom had us signed up to the Book of the Month Club. There was one for kids and one for adults. By the time I was twelve I was reading off the adult list. And we had subscriptions to Time magazine. And National Geographic. And Reader's Digest. We bought Life magazine off the rack when we went to town. My dad always had a daily newspaper delivered. And he usually had the latest Playboy, which I was allowed to read as a young adolescent because it did have good articles. Reading was really a thing in my family. It still is.
We got all of 4 TV stations not counting public. And 2 were CBS. So there were typically 3 shows to pick from.
As a kid --- movies over and over again meant going to the theater or something that was played on TV annually like The Sound of Music and The Wizard of Oz.
VCRs came out whilst I was in college working on my first degree.
But, the Star Wars Trilogy was the first boxed set I watched on my new $649 VCR and I watched them over and over and over again...
$649 for a VCR? And it was probably a Beta, right?
@BobbyJaan yes $649.99 on sale. I chose wisely though and it was VHS. ?
Return of the Jedi
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Die Hard
The Crow
Big Trouble in Little China
Blade Runner, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Space Balls
The Christopher Reeves Superman movie, Princess Bride and Willow.
Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke, The Thing, The Shining
These were more my teen years for me
@Sirena teens are kids
@NothinnXpreVails I know. I meant younger kid though.
A lot of us on this site were around before the advent of vhs, dvds & 24/7 tv so we were lucky to see stuff like Wizard of Oz once a year, which for me was a BIG DEAL. ???
One very memorable year in particular I had chicken pox & recall licking calamine lotion off of myself while Dorothy was doing her thing. ?
So... my favorite movies from growing up?
Saw Godzilla vs the Smog Monster in the theater ?
It was quite awhile until I was able to see that one again.
Used to get in trouble as a kid for my Helen Keller impression from The Miracle Worker in front of company. (was the one & only time my beloved grandfather popped me on the butt for acting possessed-, also one of the very few times I was ever "spanked" ) lol
You sound like you were a hilarious kid to be around!
@phelicity9 without cloning myself I wouldn't know! LOL
I was a strange kid tho for sure.
Almost all old kung fu movies, Mel Brooks movies, Star Wars (original trilogy), Princess Bride, any Warwick Davis' movies name some. Sorry can't name just three over all others.
willow , enemy mine and the star wars original trilogy
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mary Poppins, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Sounds like all porn flicks lol
@ClaytonE83 nowadays it is porn.
The Wizard of Oz and two of Charlton Heston's epics - The Ten Commanments and Ben Hur.
Gotta love a good epic ?
The Little Shop of Horror, Abbott and Costello (any of them), Plan 9 from Outer Space. I used to love watching B horror movies. Now that you've sparked those memories I am going to have to find copies of them and host a party come October to watch them again.
When I was a kid there was no way to watch it other than on TV. But there are still a bunch I love. The Errol Flynn version of Robin Hood, To Have and Have Not, Mutiny on the Bounty, Drums Along the Mohawk. And most any old black and white movie