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Short rant ahead, fair warning.

I'm so over those who make statements like, "I don't watch television", or something to that effect. They generally come off as pretentious and I don't trust them.
They seem like they're trying way too hard to impress people with their "intelligence".
Piss off.

KKGator 9 July 14

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There is the otehr thing if your brittish not having a tv is a finger to teh government cos of tv tax

Simon1 Level 7 July 15, 2018

Gee, I don't own a TV. I don't think I'm being pretentious. Has more to do with my blood pressure, besides I'm in an apartment now and screaming at the damn thing would annoy the neighbors.
There is a club house with TV so I sometimes watch it, mostly listen to the radio or check in on the internet. The only time I mention I do not have a TV is went someone askes 'did you watch' whatever. Guess in the future I'll just say no. Upbringing sometimes makes me feel the need to justifiy a short no response. Literally, I've said just no and get 'well why not, its a show'. Either way I get shit. lol there's MY rant.
Hope I'm not one included in your otherwise good rant.

You weren't. 😉

I can completely appreciate anyone's reasons for not watching, or owning a, tv. I get it. On a number of levels.

My point was regarding those who make the pronouncement as a put-down to those who do watch tv. That was all.
I wasn't judging anyone's reasons for why they don't.
I went for years without access to anything but public broadcasting.
I refuse to pay for tv. (Except Hulu, so I can get HBO. I need Game of Thrones.) I only get cable because my nephew has it installed throughout their house and my cottage.


Hear, hear. Pisses me off when people get smug about this kind of shit. Nobody cares.


I’m with you.


Unless you actually don't watch television... which I don't ?. Applying that statement to a profile is far from pretentious and is merely an honest admission to others who feel the same way.

I fail to see, in any way, how being truthful, open and honest has anything to do with " impressing people with intelligence ". gave me a giggle for the day ?

Didn't say anything about the statement being in a profile.
When it's said, you can tell by the tone being used whether it's
simply meant as a statement of fact, or an implication that "I'm better than you". I was referring to the latter.

@KKGator I have actually not met anyone who does not own a TV. I can check on google now for references that elude me.


Besides, if you can't get "Supernatural" references, we got nothing to talk about.


TV depresses me that's why I don't watch it's purely a sanity thing

Simon1 Level 7 July 14, 2018

@Jonado if im in the right mood ill watch a film or a science program but thats rare these days . Ps4 my main waste of time but even that is bugging me these days


I feel so sorry for people who have been programmed to believe they need to be told what to think, what to do, who to hate, what kind of relationship is acceptable, and that they are not good enough so they need to buy this or that product and their lives will be much better.

But I get your point. I will no longer make the comment that I live a full and rich life, and think for myself. Enjoy your programming.

Way to miss the point, Steve.

Actually, with your comment, you proved my point.
Thank you!
Enjoy your day.

'Programmed?'. Oh, for fuck's sake.


Ummm "I don't watch television" is a simple statement of fact. If someone chooses to take that as snobbish, whatever. How else are we to answer a question about something on TV? What would not offend the asker's sensibilities, while being direct?

I agree, one can answer a TV question without indirectly (or directly) attacking ("I don't watch sports because they are stupid" ). When one answers with a snark, I suspect they should not expect a warm reception to it.

Choosing not to watch TV is hardly a status symbol, though. It could be the opposite. TV has gotten damned expensive. Not watching could be underpinned by one's not being able to afford it or living in a geography without signal or cable.

Zster Level 8 July 14, 2018

It can be a simple statement, but I was referring to it being used as a way to imply superiority.
You can tell who is doing it that way, and who isn't.

@KKGator Sorry. I've not seen it used that way, hence how I answered. Maybe I'm fortunate. (;


I don’t watch television.

I don’t eat meat. Not to be confused with “I can’t eat” this or the other whatever.

I would never eat fast food in a million years.

I don’t eat sugar.

Nothing bothers me in the slightest.

I don’t drink anything but pure spring water.

I don’t eat at chain restaurants. That one’s common in New Orleans.

I don’t wear makeup or color my hair.

Yay-la-freaking-loo-yah, you are, indeed, a superior human being.

To me, they all fit with your statement with which I agree.

Yep. Every time I hear any of those statements being made, I automatically have to wonder "WHY is this person telling me this? Do they expect me
to care?"
I know I don't think they're any better than me, or anyone else, for whatever it is they don't do. There are lots of things I don't do either, but I generally don't feel the need to make pronouncements about them to the general populace.
I'm currently working with the 5-year-old about announcing when she needs to use the bathroom. Unless she needs my assistance with something in particular related to the activity, neither I, nor anyone else, need to know what she intends to do.

I hate when people make general statements like, “fast food” is unhealthy. Many fast food restaurants having healthy dishes on their menus.


Commercial television isn't nearly as unbearable as commercial radio. I watch television occassionally when my schedule allows it, and if it's a good show like Dexter or Breaking Bad.

On the other hand, I haven't voluntarily listened to commercial radio (with the exception of sports talk radio) in over 30 years. And if that makes me sound pretentious, then so be it. Commercial radio sucks ass.

Radio is completely different from television, and has nothing to do with my post and the point I was making.
Commercial radio USED to be good, back when FM stations actually played music. I cannot abide morning shows like "Lex and Terry" or any of the other radio "personalities". Shut up and play the music. Since they don't do that anymore, I don't listen to them.
I understand you point completely, and totally agree.



I so agree!

All the "I haven't owned a TV in years" just makes me think they are too poor to afford a TV and basic cable.....or trying to impress someone.

I love some TV shows and I say so on my profile. I also like watching the news and tons of Nat Geo and Discovery shows. Do they dominate my life? No. But I live alone and sometimes the noise just makes it less lonely.

100% agreed!


It'd be one thing to say that 40 years or so ago, but there's so much good television on now!

There was good television 40 years ago, too.
PBS has been on the air since 1970, and before that there was NET (National Education Television), which started in 1948.
Without PBS, we wouldn't have had Masterpiece Theater, Mister Roger's Neighborhood, Sesame Street, Monty Python, and lots of others. I used to watch the debate shows with people like Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley.

Granted, there is an abundance of interesting stuff to watch now, but television has never been the "wasteland" it's been accused of being by pseudo-intellectuals.
There have always been really good, educational, informative, and entertaining shows to be enjoyed, if you looked beyond the network sitcoms, and now, if you look beyond the so-called "reality" shows.

@KKGator True. I had forgotten about PBS. And maybe I was thinking about longer ago than 40 years. Anyway, yes, it sounds pretentious and bothers me as well.

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