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"War with Iran would be the mother of all wars" Peace with Iran would be the mother of all peace." & POTUS the mother of all fuckers

Mooolah 8 July 23

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Here is a link for those of you who are not aware of the origin of this quote:


In a recent speech, Iran President Hassan Rouhani made this statement “America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars."

Instead of reacting to the first part, our fearless orange chimpanzee buffoon chose to figuratively beat his chest and responded with an all-caps Twitter rant.

MikeEC Level 7 July 23, 2018

Obama giving Iran over 400 billion was insane. Getting tough with those Muslim religous extremists who continue to stir up trouble in the Middle East on the other hand makes a lot of sense.

He did not "give" he unfroze their assets in trade for corroborated denuclearizing. Threats at 12 AM is not getting tough it is inciting warfare.

The 400 billion was Irans money that we kept since the sanctions Bush put on them allowed our gov't to do. It was not our money, it was theirs.


I could not agree more. Our Idiot In Chief has not done one positive thing in his administration.

Well he did suggest taking the guns first then following due process. When have the dems ever talked about taking the guns first. But the gun suckers can't seem to hear that.

"Gun Suckers"?

He’s a damn sight better than that idiot Obama!

YOU started the German/Nazi thing!

@bigpawbullets Got it. Not being a Nazi I did not know about 88. I would not make a very good spy. Too much a big mouth. I am working on that.

@Trajan61 How so? Please be specific.

@GuyKeith If you can’t figure out what Obama did that was bad you are a lost cause.

@Trajan61 Wrong answer. So, you don't have an answer. You just hate Obama. I can guess why. You are dismissed.

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