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I'm still waiting to see if someone made some error in the calculation. But, if they didn't, this is huge


Duke 8 July 24

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wow!! exciting!


I have always thought the key to special relativity was "accelerate faster than the speed of light" with the key word being "accelerate", what if we could "jump" to those speeds?
I think the ability to travel at supraluminal speeds is in the ability to jump from one level into another. What these or this level is I have no idea, is it the space between universes, a sub-space of our universe, the ability to create micro-black holes for worm holes, or another universe where supraluminal travel is allowed?
Of course this is just my mind running wild.


I don't THINK it's an April fool's joke, as this actually occurred (neutrinos measured at upward of the speed of light), but it turned out to be simply an equipment malfunction.

The discovery was over 6 years ago, and they found the malfunction shortly after. This article is full of links to April Fools memes.


You're dealing with quanta, so quantum tunnelling could obscure the results by 60 nano seconds.


I hate that science blogs participate in April Fools Day. That’s how false information spreads like wildfire.


Was this an April's Fools joke...Doh!


Wow..that would be a ground breaking reversal of accepted physics Dogma...its a lot to take in...


Nah, it was a loose wire. It was also 6 years ago.


zeuser Level 9 July 24, 2018

the date on the link is 4/1/2018. But i did see the older news reports. This is a sophisticated ruse.


Umm... blog date is April 1. Joke? Yes, all the links in the article are to a The Simpsons gif.

There's also this: []

bingst Level 8 July 24, 2018

Well, at least it was just a mistake and not an April Fool's joke.


Duke Level 8 July 24, 2018

Thanks! This could be big news. But check the date. April fools day?

Possibly! That did not occur to me.


Shiny. I that would change so much. ?

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