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What do you identify with? I’m a moderate looking to find moderate friends and/or dates.

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LibertyPrime3 3 July 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I identify with all of them. There are great points I install to different points and situations in my life.


I was a moderate but with technology taking everyone's jobs which is making life so difficult, screw that. Capitalism started this downfall by buying cheap stuff overseas in the 80s which forced to many factories to close down instead of "buy American" and keep the people working.


Liberal with some libertarian leanings.


I am for the people. I want my government to be representative of the people. A Direct Democracy would be nice. I want the laws and the programs to be for the benefit of the people and not solely for the benefit of a select few rich people or corporations. I know, this is so terrible.

Gohan Level 7 July 26, 2018

Its not terrible at all. It is hard to imagine everyone fully aware of all aspects of every possible issue brought to the table. It would take a very long time for all sides to be heard on any issue. Im not sure how a direct democracy would be feasible with millions of people. It would be good if we were all a bit more involved and aware


What is it to believe in compassion, education, wellness, and art?


Progressive socialist.
What do you mean by being moderate..are you a Trump supporter?

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