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Just wondering, What type of a morning person are you? Some I know just wake up and are ready to go.
Others, (like me), am a zombie for an hour or two, I can't barely function till I've had a few cups of coffee.

TristanNuvo 8 July 27

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I set my alarm an hour before I actually get up and hit snooze every 10 minutes. After the first snooze alarm goes off, I start checking Facebook, this site, Instagram, etc. until I absolutely have to get out of bed. I'm usually awake by the time I get out of the shower.

I've pared my morning routine down to 40 minutes so I can get every last second of time in bed as possible.

I'm a big fan of the snooze button, too!


I'm usually ready to go when I wake up. I may, if I'm lucky, get 6 hours of sleep a night. I don't use an alarm and wake up every morning at 6:30 no matter what time I go to bed. I have been known to take naps though 😉


I am like you. Give me ☕☕and I come to life but not all the way til!

Rose2U Level 7 July 27, 2018

Wake up and go within 30 minutes.


I'm mentally awake soon as my eyes open. Then I refuse to get up till i absolutely have to. That usually takes about an hour.

I'm the opposite, my body is functional when I wake up, but I'm a zombie in the brain for a while.

@TristanNuvo I wonder if that means we are equally useless in the morning?

@Jess2zz I think so.🙂


me too...incommunicado for 1-2 hours after "waking"...2-3 cups...


While I had my caffeine addiction I was a total zombie. After I kicked it I was able to get right out of bed and get going. I even go to the gym in the morning and I'm super awake after that.


Once the coffee kicks in I am alright. However, there are days when no amount of coffee can motivateme.

One of the anti psychotic meds I take is Seraquel, that stuff sometimes makes me very drowsy, so i have to drink a few cups to fully wake up. But once i do I'm good.


Soooo.... I am not odd in not being very functional if awakened early. MOST answered similarly here. Why does society force us out of bed so damned early, then? We no longer depend on natural daylight to see!

Zster Level 8 July 27, 2018

My daughter and I wake up slowly. As a baby, in the morning, Claire nestled on my lap facing me, with her warm blankie against me. Drowsily rocking, I dropped sleepy kisses on her warm, little head.

Sweet melting closeness.

Sounds wonderful.


I've always been a slow riser. I wasn't grumpy, I just didn't ... talk. My husband would bound out of bed, singing and making jokes, chattering on about anything, so he was the obvious choice to take care of our daughter when she woke up. When he died, I felt I had to fill that void for her and I did ... but now that she's an adult, I've been slipping back into my natural rhythm. But I'm good with that. 🙂

Lauren Level 8 July 27, 2018

I’m zombielike for about 20 minutes.


I am no longer a caffeine junkie so I'm ready to go.

mt49er Level 7 July 27, 2018

Definitely not a morning person. When I had a regular 9-5 job it was so difficult getting up in the morning. I will make the effort and prepare the night before if I do have to get up early, but otherwise it's just not in my nature. I tend to be a "night owl" more than a "lark."

I am sometimes a night owl as well. Usually when I'm real interested in what I'm doing and I don't want to stop.

@TristanNuvo Yes, me too. Sometimes I have to force myself to stop and go to sleep.


I have the highest energy in the morning...I tend to fall asleep hard and fast...I do like my morning coffee, but usually after I workout, so I can drink it relaxed and preparing my mental of list of things to get done...I am awake most days around 5:30 am or so...except weekends...

I get up and head straight to the gym as well! 4 days a week at least. I lift weights in the morning. And I do cardio 6 days a week, but usually after work.


I'm naturally energetic. Once I wake up, I start getting ready to roll. I don't nap much, never drink coffee or energy drinks and I rarely even hit my snooze button. Alarm goes off, regardless of how much sleep I had, and I'm bounding out of bed.

Currently crossing you off as a potential person to date, lol!!

Hahahahaha!!! My energy levels do tend to scare people 😛

@KCjoe108 actually so long as you let me sleep in then I might be able to deal. Granted you're 6 years younger than me and several states away.....

You'd hate going on vacation with me!! Lol. For instance, I'm getting up at 4 AM tomorrow to make the Phoenix Zoo when they open at 7. It's a 2 hour drive. I'll be there open to close, and then come back here to Tucson. On most vacations, everyday is somewhat like that.
In 2014 I did an 8 day California trip. From SF to SD and back. Everyday a different zoo or aquarium, then I'd drive to the next city.

@KCjoe108 I have no words. My daughter played traveling volleyball and a few times we had to leave at an ungodly hour to get to where she was playing. It was horrible. I'd literally roll out of bed and pretty much throw my hair up in a pony tail and leave. Someone of the moms would come in full makeup and heels. Really? How damn early did they have to get up to look like that?

Also, my legs are literally aching thinking about walking around a zoo from open to close. How big is the zoo? Does it actually take that long to see everything?

You're killing me man!

That's the BEST thing about zoos: The animals move 😉
What I mean is... Say you love lions. And you get there at 9 AM, and the lions aren't out. Or are sleeping. Or not where you think the PERFECT picture would be. Well, I'll walk around and go back. Really big zoos (like SD or Houston) I can only make one complete trip. But, I'll hit my highlights a few times. Smaller zoos (like Atlanta or KC), I can lap 3 - 5 times. The more you see an exhibit, the better odds of getting the pictures you want.

@KCjoe108 I see, didn’t realize you are a photographer. I live in Minnesota so each time you type SD my first thought is South Dakota. I was like, why in the hell would you go to South Dakota? Sioux Falls has a decent zoo but not like the ones you’re talking about! Lol.....San Diego, gotcha.

Oh yes! I absolutely LOVE getting good pictures. It's the only form of hunting that I do. (I have no issues with legal hunting for food. I just don't have the need to do it. I DO have issues with trophy hunting and poaching.)food
Speaking of Minnesota, I've been to the Minnesota Zoo and the Como Zoo.


The early worm gets earen by the bird. I am a nocturnal creature.


I can jump and roll and I can crawl out and move slow. It depends on what's happening that day.


When I sleep until I wake up, morning is fine. It’s just that damn alarm clock, ruins the day before the day even begins.

Too true.


I’m zombielike for about 20 minutes.


I’m zombielike for about 20 minutes.


I’m usually awake before the alarm. Not a coffee drinker. Ready to go!

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