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Is it the waffle or the pancake that is more religious?

hankster 9 Jan 10

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My opinion is that the waffle is the more religious of the two. Basically they are made from the same stuff, but the waffle is the product of a mold, a mold that strangely resembles a book. Tho there are a few variations, the waffles shape and size, and its patterns are all largely predictable. I say, be a pancake.


Pancakes. Waffles require specialized equipment.


Pancakes, they seem to be served more at church breakfasts, and waffles seem like more of a luxurious skipping church for Sunday brunch dish.


In which does Jesus most often appear?

d_day Level 7 Jan 10, 2018

the waffle is holey


I don't know...
Ask them and find out.


Crepes are papists.

@MrLizard Just like papists.


To be more specific, is it the waffle or pancake that has the one TRUE religion.

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