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When parents allow their kids to leave pets at their house..

In 2009, my daughter left her tri-colored hognose snake at my house when she moved. At first, she'd drive down from Lexington, Ky, to our Morehead farm, to feed it, clean its aquarium.

But after two months, I found myself thawing frozen baby mice, cleaning up snake skins, trying to find something the snake wouldn't throw up the next day,

adjusting the aquarium temperature, spraying down the tank. My ex, DB, did the spraying, and I shuddered as I thawed pinkies-tiny underdeveloped mice. Then one day the snake started going round

and round the cage, obviously needing something. I fed it eight pinkies in ten days but it still acted agitated. I finally mentally asked it what

it wanted, using my imagination. I imagined that the snake "said" it needed to travel on, go somewhere else.
But why?
When my daughter next called, she said the snake needed

its bedding changed so wanted to move to a cleaner place. She said she only used a custom bark blend she'd special ordered, but didn't know where the bag was.

Desperate, that day we found a farmhouse that sold reptile supplies, got a bag of Forest Bark fir bark. The snake noticed me cleaning half of the cage, came out to follow my hand,

seeming to hurry me, so I put down a small amount of fresh bark along the clean end of tank. The snake dove into it, disappeared, leaving me to clean the rest of the aquarium.

When I got the tank scrubbed, the snake's head reemerged, and it stared pointedly at me until I remembered to spray down the tank. Then the snake vanished under the bark again.

I told DB, "Jeesh! How bossy can you get? But I suppose if humans are going to bring these things in from the wild, the least we can do is take care of them properly.."

We then began plotting to sneak the snake tank into my daughter's back seat next time she visited.
As bait, we mentioned that we'd finished the last of of the Quantum Leap DVDs, so she and her boyfriend could borrow them.

birdingnut 8 July 29

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hmm i remember as a kid having to tell my mum,who is terrified of snakes,that the garter snake i had sneaked into the house had escaped she did not take it well

weeman Level 7 July 30, 2018

But you gotta admit, hognoses are so darn cute.

They are, but this particular snake was NOT friendly or cuddly like the wild eastern hognose snakes I caught in the woods for my kids to keep for a few months at a time.

This one totally ignored me except when it needed something, and spent the rest of the time hidden under the bark. Rat snakes and eastern king snakes are the most loving, although rough green snakes are really cute when my daughter let them wrap them around her pigtail.

@birdingnut We are limited here on the types of hognose we can keep as pets and the few allowed including tri-colour are quite pricey. Wild species are illegal to keep as pets. Corn snakes are probably the most docile snakes I know and I take one of them to Kids Camp at the vet clinic to teach kids about caring for pet snakes. My kings are pretty insane except for my variable king. My boas...well depends on the species. I love them all but I especially love the feisty ones with attitude.


It's stories like these that make me happy I did not reproduce. 😉

I have so little patience. lol


So what happened?? Did you sneak the snake into her car? Did you give the snake away? Did you keep it and take care of it until you moved to Thailand? What???

I don't know.
I got that journal excerpt from tweets I made in 2009 that went to my Facebook feed and showed up this morning in my "on this day in 2009" Facebook auto post.

Maybe tomorrow I'll find out if the "On This Day" installment has the next tweets in that time frame. I know I took care of that snake way too long, but maybe my ex and I were able to pull off the snake dump. I know I took care of her clawed white African frog for 15 years and it died of old age at my house.

I actually dug earthworms and kept them in a bucket of dirt all winter to feed that frog, which was as bossy as the snake but not as hard to take care of.

I remember comforting my complaining ex by saying, "Well, at least she didn't dump a Great Dane puppy on us.."

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