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Hey everyone!
I'm an ex-muslim atheist from Pakistan. Still in the closet because I'd be killed for my beliefs lol. But it's better now since I moved to Perth about a year ago. People here don't care much about religion. At least not as much as back home. Anyway just wanted to say hi to y'all. Also, I'd like to know of there are any meetups happening here in Perth. Cheers!

Zull 4 Jan 11

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Watch your back. Immigrant communities can be every bit as dangerous as back home.

Hey thanks for the advice. I'm closeted here as well. I don't really have many non-muslim friends so no one really knows about my atheism.

Good luck @Zull


So glad you are somewhere safe for you!


I would love to hear the story of the circumstances upon which you changed to atheist from Muslim, but understand if you are reserved about it.

No I'm not reserved about it at all it's okay haha.
Well I was never a very religious Muslim but I still held my beliefs very dear to me. I come from a very religious family and the guilt of not being religious was always there.
At around 17, I started debating Christians and Atheists over Facebook. I converted because I lost most of the debates. The Christian debates weren't that constructive but the Atheist ones did the trick xD. At around 19 I was pretty much an atheist myself. 🙂


Hey, it's nice to see atheists come out of the woodwork from all over the place, we do exist! Welcome! 🙂

Thankyou 🙂


Please remember that, in this ever shrinking world, you are never alone. Even when it seems your challenges are greater than those of your peers, not to mention all those who came before you, you're never in this life by yourself. Keep reaching out, never isolate, and you will overcome. Finally, as a former believer, I offer this: one's religion can be both cultural and psycho-emotional. Please try to disassociate the historical and anthropological aspects of your religious upbringing from the political, historical and psychological aspects, to the extent that they exist. Peace.

Very nice

Hi @pnullifidian,

Could you please explain what you mean when you say "Please try to disassociate the historical and anthropological aspects of your religious upbringing from the political, historical and psychological aspects, to the extent that they exist."?

And what is the purpose in doing this?

Peace my friend. And thank you!


Welcome to AUS! There are still pockets of religious in Australia. But I can almost guarantee that you will find it a more agnostic (or a more atheist) country than most.

As a silly proof, here's the "Jedi census phenomenan": []

It's kind-of old news. In Australia, I think most who voted "Jedi" as their religion 2 censuses ago have already voted for "No religion" in the last census - as suggested by atheists in the media. We really want a good count of atheists in the census.


Glad you made it out, welcome to the community. Watch out those Aussies can be a ruff lot of pussies, LOL.

Oh man anything is better than Pakistan I swear! XD


I have much respect for your courage. Welcome to this safe forum. I hope you can share your unique journey. No worries if you would rather not.

Yeah I'm totally okay with sharing stuff with you guys. 🙂
And thank you!


Welcome. I do love Perth 🙂 Bit hot though. Enjoy the site

Sacha Level 7 Jan 11, 2018

Hi @Zull and welcome to our Freethinker community. Great you made it to Perth.


Hi and welcome.


So glad you escaped that oppression. Can't even imagine the horror.


Welcome and enjoy.


You brave soul! Welcome!


Welcome 🙂


Glad to have you, both on forum and in country.


Welcome and may you find Peace and Refuge Here and There.


It is hard to picture someone getting killed for being atheist. Living in USA, you can get insulted and ostracized and sometimes get fired from a job (they make up some other reason, of course) but I have not heard of someone getting killed for being atheist. I chatted with an Egyptian atheist. He told me that his friend came out atheist - told his friends, family and colleagues and put it on his FB page. A group of religious bullies came to his house, dragged him out into the street and fatally beat him. Just incredible ... I feel rather lucky.

SKH78 Level 8 Jan 11, 2018

A similar incident happened in Pakistan as well. A mob of religious activists dragged out a university student (still in his 20's) and stoned him to death while someone streamed it live on Facebook. This guy didn't even come out as an atheist. There were just allegations going around. Just shows how intolerant people are.


Oh, and I realized I left some vital information out between the NZ meet up and Bondi Beach, which, yes, I am aware is In Australia! haha! What I meant to say is, I am hitting up NZ first, then Australia after. haha

Sadoi Level 7 Jan 19, 2018

Hahaha that's what I was wondering lol. Anyway, let me know if you're ever in Perth or nearby. Bondi Beach is still a good 2 day drive from here.
And thankyou for your kind comments.


I am, sadly, not in Perth. I have yet to hear about meet ups from, but then again, I have only been a member since Christmas Eve. I can only imagine what a nightmare it would be to have atheist or agnostic beliefs while living in a devout country. Glad to read you are safe in Perth! I do know, this coming Christmas, myself and another member here would like to meet up in New Zealand because one of my best friends moved to Bondi Beach from Dresden Germany and he's been trying to get me out there forever! That would still entail some travelin' for ya, though! 😉

Sadoi Level 7 Jan 19, 2018

Welcome to Australia! hows the economy in Perth these days?

Not good tbh. It's really hard to find work. 😟


Congratulations! Stay safe friend!


Welcom to the community. Have to say that killing thing is a little much, chistians had a reformation and that helped some. Oh and the no pictures bit, a little over the top. but I guess you figured that out. Chistians on the other hand make up multiple images but if ANY are of a black christ holy shit look out. lol Glad you are now in a safe place. Courious how does it feel to be able to voice freely and LAUGH at the weirdness of religion?

It's liberating af, I tell you. Feels so good!
And yeah Muslims are crazy lol. Christianity has had several thousand years to reform. Islam is still a very young religion. But nonetheless, nothing justifies killing someone for not agreeing to worship your own personal sky daddy.


Respect to you , I've read about what they do to Atheists in Pakistan , I don't get it, you would think a country that is so good at cricket would be far more tolerant ..

Mate our Cricket is pretty much the only thing I love about Pakistan and even that has been, on and off, infested by Islam. Idk if you about him but Inzamam ul Haq, amazing batsman but unfortunately, a religion freak was appointed a new coach and he's been making sure only the most pious of the players make it to the team. It's heartbreaking. </3


If you haven't discovered it yet, has lots of groups tht meet for peopel sith similar interests. They have atheist groups, hiking groups, gay groups, coffee lover groups, book reader groups, just go to the site and search out yoru interests. You cna also do a search by location only and see all the groups within a certain distance from you that will list every interest group ihn your area.

Thankyou. I'm gonna check it out.


Congratulations ! It is encouraging to hear that you at least, have used your powers to think for yourself. To be under the threat of death for NOT believing some ideology is beyond belief.
It must be reassuring for you to have moved to such a religiously free country where you can relax and start to enjoy your life in that great country of Australia.

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