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Just a comment. Do you see how this wanna be dictator has ensnared all of us in his warped administration of greed and subterfuge to undermine America just for the betterment of the 1%. I suspect that most of the chat rooms on the internet are experiencing the same thing. Look at Donnie, the egomaniac. just saying.

starwatcher-al 7 July 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Fathers image both in style and stupidity


Roger dat! (I assume you are talking about Trumputin.)


Only enough were ensnared enough to get him and his cronies into office, the rest of us are just getting the shaft.


What's amazing is how many people who are nowhere near 1% status approve of everything he does and are willing to defend it to the death. As it costs their jobs, they applaud him. As it skyrockets the costs of everything they buy due to tariff boomerang, they adore him. Isn't it fun to time travel to Germany and discover what its like to be surrounded by "good Nazis"?

It's called brainwashing. A complete lack of critical thinking in this country propagated by religions


What’s interesting is how the far-wrong first told us to, “Give him a chance.” Now, “It’s because you hate him.” I realize most are simply parroting what they’ve watched on ‘fox entertainment,’ but it appears so easy or natural for them to “Hate.” They must assume everyone does it ..on as regular a basis as they do 😉

Gimmy back Obama, nothing to ‘hate’ there…

Varn Level 8 July 31, 2018

Sometimes I wonder if it isnt all for ratings with Faux News. A couple of their people, Shep Smith and Chris Wallace, are pretty level-headed. And they're probably by far the largest mainstream network that staunchly defends The Fool. Anyway, shit is shit, and that's their main product. You pair that up with INFOWARS, Breitbart, a few other alt-right outlets and publications; and voila! instant shitforbrains.

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