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To thirty-something and forty-something singles: Instead of online dating, what do you do socially to get out and meet new people? (other than going to bars with a friend) Im looking for ideas.

thatgirllaura 5 July 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I make friends with my kid’s friends’ moms at softball games and scouting events. Put the kid to work🙂

I employ my precious pet Labrador retriever, Ben--


I go to the local grocery store.....

Hey, when you are out of groceries, it doesn't do to go to the mechanic around the corner.

I went out of the grocery store... 😛




Karaoke! Even if you don't sing, we need an audience!

  1. You are all there for an ostensible reason, so it takes the "meat market" thing away.
  2. Someplace near you has karaoke every single night, and many of the same faces show up to all of them, so you make a lot of friends quickly, and they lead to other friends...very supportive atmosphere, too!
  3. Many singers drink water or club soda, as I do, so a damn cheap night out!
  4. Always a conversation opener/sustainer! Ask about their singing, compliment their singing, talk about the acoustics, the DJ, how they started singing, etc etc etc etc etc

If you find out let me know.


I’m an INTJ. The thought of going out in public and talking to strangers is NOT on my to do list.


I climb at a rock climbing gym. Climbers are very social, we often spend hours in the gym working on a particular climbing route or style of movement, so there is lots of chit-chatting between climbers on neighbouring "problems". You don't even need a head for heights, "bouldering" is a respected discipline in climbing and doesn't involve being far enough from the ground to need a rope.


You seem to be a "gas passer". So you have studied a lot and will solve this. Congratulations on you child.

Mokvon Level 8 July 31, 2018

I met great men at ballroom dances, and I used to volunteer to clean up local parks, national forest lakes, etc. I also went trail riding on my horses and met people, and at my local organic food coop. I used to have so many dates, I looked on dating as a chore I made myself eliminate men I don't like and find someone good.

But when I did find someone good, it was from an online dating ad on


Attend a charity event that interests you. Or something else you are passionate about. For me, I love zoos/aquariums and Nature oriented things. I've met some amazing women at zoos, but nothing has progressed past a friendship stage. (Maybe one day!)


Being a poly male that tends to be attracted to bisexual women, I don't really go out socially hoping to meet someone romantically. When you assume no one is compatible in terms of relationship, it frees you from that tension and you can just talk to people. While it can be challenging and a little isolating, it has helped me to be more forward socially.


I don't have the luxury and time, but public libraries have lot of events. Its mostly all nosy women, but its a good venue. The cities have been doing lot of excercise, work out classes for free. I have seen lot of group, events in other dating site. I have tried but in my case its all good wives, or single mother. So no guys and could not even find a women to be friends with who was in my shoes. Many of us work and pay bills. At the end of the day i pass out. Facebook have lot of dating pages and many meet. gadening groups meet. I just created a group for people looking for love. "Truly single gal and guys looking for love." Group. Not sure if people in my area will join but if there is enough of us I can arrange a local meet. The place doesn't have to expensive. I use to go to garden groups, but I am gardener and there are lot of people who would show up hoping to find love. Many have met on those groups. Most all of these are free events. We bring pot luck and some time nothing.

Arshi Level 5 Aug 1, 2018

If you're ok with heights try a local climbing gym. Many provide courses for beginners and the activity lends itself to teaming up and getting to know (and trust) people.

Salo Level 7 Aug 1, 2018

I just typed more or less the same thing then saw your comment!


Go to bar with a friend isn't that called a date? Damn all I do is work


Attend local/regional meetings of the like-minded.

JacarC Level 8 July 31, 2018

Not much !


Just be friendly in public. If you see someone interesting, take a risk and strike up a conversation. Don't be creepy and be respectful.



Meet-Up Groups


Good question. I'm too broke to go places to meet people, either.


gym, volunteering (non church related), classes.....


I am out of your age group, but try joining a CrossFit box. Committed, healthy fit people who prioritize their fitness. You can't work out in a bar.


I wish I knew. There are not a lot of places here in Mobile where I can meet like-minded people.


From my personal experience... in my 40's I got the Most Tail I ever had... I put me in that position in the last century... Not in the USA mind you.


...I just take it as it comes and quite seldom go out with the idea of "meeting people." I just meet people period.


I go to church...ahhhh fuck!

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