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What is the ONE thing that makes you the happiest? What is the ONE thing you wish you had in your life?

Our_existence 9 Aug 1

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The only thing I am missing in my life is a woman that I adore that I could share everything with.


I love hiking to alpine lakes surrounded by white glaciers and jagged mountain peaks. After dark, I look up and feel awed by the glowing Milky Way and billions of sparkling stars. We all need more low-level ecstasy in our lives.

In the mountains, I feel most centered and grounded.

I miss the tender touch, laughter, conversation, intimacy, teamwork and fun of a committed, loving relationship.

Thanks. I'm in beautiful Spider Meadows, WA.


I can't give just ONE answer, but I'll limit to a couple of things.
My music.
Making people happy.
And things I wish I had would be that I didn't have schizo-affective disorder, and I wish My best friend were still alive.


My daughter makes me happy, and proud. She's a very bright, beautiful woman, and she loves her dad. I feel very fortunate to live near enough to see her and my son-in-law fairly often.

As for what's missing? Someone who wants to be with me and accepts me for who I am; and whose life I can enrich.


Like the guy below, someone to love who loves me.


Riding my motorcycle. Wishing I had someone on the back seat with me to share it.


Playing and teaching (I'm a professional musician). And I wish EVERYONE had financial security.


I have most everything working to keep me happy and personality growing.

There is always one desire not completely fulfilled yet. Is a lover to follow each other to the end of the earth.?


The ONE thing....I guess, would be finding someone to love/take care of/be a companion/partner with, and, who wants something like those same things with me.

A very close second: Still not done feeling I need to contribute to the world, still. Able to retire from my long career in NASA; if I could find something somewhere that allowed me to still do something meaningful part-time, - and in a good place with a good person!- would make the thought of retiring a lot easier

Hope it happens for you!!! By the guys at NASA give a LOT to the world. You are not unappreciated!


My development makes me the happiest and when I can to help others.
I wish I had in my life more love but I think isn't late to have


I am going to go out on a limb here and say money and lots of it. It would make me happy to know that I could help out a lot of people, if only I had money. It would help to alleviate a lot of heartbreak, frustration and hopelessness for some people who are down on their luck 😀


Being important to someone else.


Peace & quiet, and knowing it will continue........


My son. 😟


I have pretty much everything I have wished for. What makes me happiest at this time when not enjoying my peace and quiet, are hugs and smiles from my little grandsons, 1 & 4 years old. So sweet!


Give me a Muse that enjoys whatever media I choose. That see me as her Muse and pays it forward... not competing. Collusion toward a Magical ending in Happiness and Harmony. With Romantic sparkling because we fulfill each other.


Financial security.


I am happiest when I am engaged in artwork of any kind - I do have a first in fine and applied arts but I don't make to sell, just to be engaged, much of my stuff I give away or throw away or keep in boxes. I do a lot of textile art and am teaching that at the moment - I am also very happy in the garden.


Just one thing? That’s not easy. I would say the answer to no. 1 would be animals and dance although if I had to choose it would be animals.

One thing I wish I had in my life? More time to dance and choreograph. Just more time to devote to dance I guess is what I meant.


1: Companionship.
2: Friends, close ones would be perfect but any will do.

  1. I'd have to say making music.

  2. A partner to share it with.


Running makes me happy. I started running at the tender age of 48. I wish I had been running since my youth. I missed out.


My son makes me happy.. even when I have to ask him 20 times to get in the tub (why don’t little boys want to be clean??!!) afterwards he is so warm and smells so sweet.. those are the cuddles I love for.. as for the one thing I wish for.. an honest and loyal companion..I want to be in love with my best friend. I want someone who worships me and wants me as bad as I want them. I want romance, conversation and carnel desires..


Someone to love. Short of that, a big pile of weed and money would work.


The one thing that makes me the happiest is someone to share my life with.
The one thing I wish I had in my life would be something else that made me the happiest.


The word ONE in all caps

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