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What is the ONE thing that makes you the happiest? What is the ONE thing you wish you had in your life?

Our_existence 9 Aug 1

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*Define "happy" I'm indifferent to just about everything. And what would I do differently if I were "happy"? It's a BS phrase!. If you could elaborate just a tad bit more - I might be able to answer the question but it's subjective at this point. I might be "happy" because the "enemy's" bomb didn't blow my butt off - doesn't mean that I am "happy" to be there. Please elaborate 🙂.


The ocean and wild birds make me happy.
I wish I had horses in my life again.


The only thing I am missing in my life is a woman that I adore that I could share everything with.


why does it always have to be one thing? life isn't always that simple.



A love/sexual relationship, an intimate partner to experience those things in our bucket list that are more fun done with a partner is what I wish I had in my life. The thing that makes me happiest right now is my puppy, but it can’t compare to being in love with a woman.


While there are specific activities I enjoy significantly more than others, like playing games, mostly it all boils down to spending time with people whose company I enjoy. Game playing is my preference, but I enjoy any shared experience with them, from bingeing a show, to catching a play, to a good neal and good conversation. As long as I enjoy the company the activity doesn't usually matter.

I do wish I had a good woman or two to share some experiences with. That's all I feel I'm missing. My life is far from perfect, but I'm otherwise fairly happy with it.


The one thing that makes me the happiest is making others laugh. I really enjoy making people laugh. If I didn't have an overwhelming sense of stage freight, I would have gone into comedy. The one thing that I wish I had in my life was a satisfying sense of stability. You never know when something is going to come along and have your world come crashing down. So far it's happened twice. Hopefully that's it.

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