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What is your strangest talent? How did you discover it?

Sara72712 6 Aug 2

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I can make a poor person rich.


I have a strange talent for attracting weird people.

Oh me too. 😀

Well we live in a weird world.


I can write backwards. It's not useful, but people freak out when they see it.

Years ago at work, a co-worker said he knew someone who could sign his name backwards; so I tried it. I occasionally did it as a joke until my daughter asked me to show one of her friends that I could write my name backwards.

Her friend, unimpressed, asked if I could actually write that way or if I'd just practiced my signature until it was muscle memory. I honestly didn't know, but I tried writing a sentence that she dictated, and it was perfectly legible in a mirror.

JimG Level 8 Aug 2, 2018

Try writing forward with your dominant hand while backwards with the other.
I am guessing this is something you can do easily.

I am very right hand dominate. But I can write mirror imaged with my left hand, like writing right to left.

Neat. I can do that, too. Since I was a child.

@BufftonBeotch I don't have the fine motor control in my offhand to even write normally.


I graft, fruit trees. Learned it by practicing on my great-grandfather’s orchard with the guidance of a great-uncle. Some say it’s a lost art, though by the number of participants at various classes I’ve taught and attended’s holding on. Figure I’m responsible for around six thousand ‘custom’ fruit trees 🙂

Varn Level 8 Aug 2, 2018

this will seem odd....but you know how some people have "perfect pitch"? I have that but with colors....I have what I call "perfect color sight". So, I've taken eye exams that track how well someone sees the most subtle difference in color...and I score at the top of the chart. I also think I see colors in a way that others don't.

But, this is the weird part, I can see a color -- let's say on your shirt -- then I can go to Lowe's paint desk a week later and pick out the exact shade of color that your shirt was a week ago.

I don't remember when exactly I realized that I saw color, registered it in my brain, and stored it differently than everyone else does. But, I have demonstrated it to myself over and over's not exactly the thing that wins talent shows so I don't try to explain it to people.

I am curious if anyone has heard of this phenomenon....and if there is an actual, real scientific name for it? Let me know if you know.

Look up tetrachromacy.

@JimG I've read that before and that's probably what I have that allows me to see the way I do.......but what I'm looking for exactly is the ability to store a color long term in memory and pick the exact same color weeks later from a line up -- what I call "perfect color sight" not unlike someone having perfect pitch and being able to hit a specific music note on demand. I can "color match" without having both items side by side.


I can swallow a piece of string and when I pass it, its tied together. I shit you knot

Ever tried swallowing a strip of sandpaper with it? Id be a frayed knot too.

No way. I’d say prove it but please don’t.


I can put chocolate in my mouth and make it disappear.


I can do a lot of situps- fast. Like in the 100's.

You will be invited to the next party in my son's home... last time I attended a competition erupted males versus females, sit ups, push ups... he won doing push ups with a lady in his back. What ever happened to the longest kiss? The most shots? You will be my "ringer", we split profit 60/40... your way. You will be doing all the work. Okay 70/30. you win.


I forgot! I can also make things perfectly level without using a level.


I'm Mexican, but I can seamlessly blend in with white people.

Until you talk? Because a Latino without an accent is just another hispanic. Much apreciate you called yourself Mexican! Horale Carnal.


My only real talent seems to be pissing people off. It generally occurs when I’m making an honest effort to understand their side of the discussion.

PaulD Level 5 Aug 2, 2018

I can hold my breath for over 6 minutes.


I can walk on water and turn water into wine. 🙂

You must get invited to ALL the parties

Who wants to drink that after your smelly feet have been all over it?


I could hallucinate with cough syrup!!! Discovered while sick. Cheapest trip ever.


I can do a million different stupid human tricks. Juggle, tie a cherry stem in my mouth, spin a basketball on a finger, stack quarters on my elbow and drop the arm, catching them in the same hand before they fall; some playing card slight of hand n fancy shuffles/riffling the cards from one hand to another, I can fold my tongue in all the ways I’ve seen elsewhere except the tri-fold 3 ended thing that some people can do haha. Learning to spin a bo staff and nunchaku now.

I didn’t discover any of these except the tongue, most of it was just bein a weird kid with too much time on his hands, and a lot of hard work practicing. I don’t believe in talent; you either had a freaky superlative genetic roll of the dice on some trait (ie bein tall, able to lick an elbow or double jointed, any physical talent or athleticism) or you worked your ass off, or a little of both. If you ever praise someone’s talent always keep in mind that’s another word for hundreds of hours of meticulous work.


Remember Insect classification names in Latin.


My boss says I "connect the dots" - so she gives me projects to look over to make sure a step is not missing. But where I really notice it is driving - unless it is packed bumper to bumper, I can see a path through traffic like buttah. I can cite many instances of people seeing me do this on the road and following me through! This helps at conferences and in crowds at concerts too.


Riding a unicycle.

Well once.

Apparently riding a unicycle is not like riding a bike.


I can wiggle my ears. I could swear my uncle taught me when I was about 8 but I can't figure out how you teach someone to do that...

lerlo Level 8 Aug 2, 2018

My dad can wiggle his ears. But he won't tell us the secret. Maybe he doesnt know how to teach it either.

@Sara72712 Yeah I've tried teaching people, can't be done...unless I really was's just kinda squeezing your ear muscles, if there is such a thing 🙂

Me too!

@RobLawrence,@Alimacbean off to the lab...

@RobLawrence Sadly I didn't get all the attributes...


the oddest talent I have is.....

I can take a pencil and tap (lightly) my front teeth, and use my mouth to control the pitch of the sound, thereby playing musical tunes. (i.e., the William Tel Overture, etc...)


I have a talent for finding the wrong man.


I can do this thing with my tongue... Oh, this isn't the place to tell this story.


If there is a nail or other sharp object in the road, I'm gonna pick it up with my tire. Every. Damn. Time.

Is that a talent or a curse? ?

@GinaMaria I'm keeping other people from getting them, so maybe it's a public service. ??

@Darla_Ann That's a positive spin on it! ?


I can make cricket sounds. ?


When someone is talking I count the number of letters in their sentences at the same pace they’re talking. Started doing this when I was 5.


I have really good spatial reasoning. Can tell by looking if anything will fit in a space. I can roll, flip, and make a flower out of my tongue.

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