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Struggle is Progress.

From the very heart of the first stars atoms struggled against gravity and the fusion there in brought about new atoms that would eventually form life. It is no easy feat to go from unconscious particle clusters to a conscious being that is no more than an integrated system of several of those same unconscious particle clusters.

This being is not the end of the line however, progress can never be stopped. No, because this being is exposed to the same universe that fused atoms, gave rise to multiple beings and even threw in particle structures without consciousness that can alter their environment.

Every component of the universe is struggling just to be, they struggle with their surroundings, each other and themselves. From all this struggle we get evolution, expansion, and beauty in an uncountable number of forms. But in that struggle are aspects that allow for progress, those are harmony and cooperation.

Even the atom is not ONE unit of matter, but many smaller elementary units interacting in harmony, just as the being is not ONE system, but many smaller sub systems going down to the atom and beyond, which could not be without harmonious cooperation of ever piece. But that harmony only comes after struggle.

Something to ponder and discuss, no direct question.

DreadlySmart 5 Jan 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I do not think "struggle" is the right word to use for what nature does. Nature does what nature does and there is no "struggle" involved. (IMHO)

Are you sure? Because a deer struggles to survive a predators attack. But maybe the deer doesn't know he is struggling? But I know. I just don't know. Its kinda like that tree falling the woods - if nobody heard it did it still make a sound?

Could struggle not be what nature does? Struggling to improve and progress? Entropy, measure of disorder, is always increasing but pockets of matter and nature locally decrease this entropy in more organized forms like life, but life uses energy and adds to the universal entropy so it still increases but that it struggle.


Apparently, or so I'm told, as long as energy is being pumped into a system, matter has a tendency to organize itself for ever more efficient absorption and transmission of energy (information.) Progress keeps rolling on.


No struggle, just plenty of energy, like water finding its path. easy.


And all that from gravity which is considered the weaker force.


I have say that is a great narrative. While I was reading, aloud I might add, I felt myself slip into the role of a character in a movie. My voice even changed to fit the part. I imagined that I was traveling through the galaxy looking out the window of my marauder in deep space wondering how this all came to be, and what knowledge I might discover at any moment, and I was using your words.

Awe and mystery consumed my conscious mind, and yet I was keenly aware of my subconscious, and time slowed and I could see the space between the particles as they strugled to contain the sub-particals that were trying to break away. Then some would collide and form a larger particle, and that larger particle collided and got busted in two, but collided with a much larger particle, and at some point it would form something that could named; something that may be life; something that could power this vessel, and perhaps something that was conscious.

DreadlySmart I love your work


the theory of the ever more complex universe

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