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Let's give him a choice...

mcgeo52 8 Aug 7

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State, I hear Louisiana has some really fun prisons.

State would probably be NY (i.e., Sing Sing).

@mcgeo52 darn maybe NY could make a trade. 😉

@silverotter11, I lived in upstate NY for almost 4 years when I was in high school. I like the idea of him freezing his ass off.


Unless the KFC gets him first.

The colonel and Ronald McDoald could save this country.


He can be president for life. That would be better than waiting for him to be voted out in 2020.

Yeah... I also just keep hoping he would just die... but then we'd be left with Pence, who would be worse because although he is also an asshole, he is a much more competent asshole and would very likely be much more destructive.

I'd rather have the incomptetent evil man than the more competent one.


Either one, I'm not that picky.

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