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Let Michigan Be a Warning to The Nation- Destroying Public Education

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 7

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Charter schools have two basic problems.

  1. They take money out of hte education system and put into people's pockets as profits, which means the mor ecorners they cut, the more profit there is.
  2. It subsidizes schools for the rich, again takign money out of public schools. When they failed to sell their school voucher program to subsidize education for rich pricate schools they cane up with "Charter Schools." to basically do the same thing, which is to divert money form public education to subsidize education for the rich. You cna bet that the few charter schools that do really well in performance are private schools for rich kids with tuitions that the middle class cant' afford.

If we don't watch it we could become the greatest third world nation on the planet in a few decades.

@PalacinkyPDX Very true.


Ah but they don't rate on theology. I'm willing to bet the bible study has excelled!

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