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International Cat Day...
Show us your puss...
4 legged only

This is LC (Elsie) she is the coolest muchkin in Kentucky and a LouCity FC soccer supporter with her purple mustache.

Crimson67 8 Aug 8

Enjoy being online again!

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some of my kids. tevye on the right, penny in the middle, one of their daughters, kuma, all black, on the left.


my late, great sammy. i wrote the music in the video.



My picture is with my buddy Kasey from whence i took my name. He was the best cat ever, no bad habits, very social, good personality, great purr, very smart yet laid back and cool even for a cat. I had to have him put down 9 months ago at the age of 9. He was a "spirit gift" from my late GF who died in the place and he showed up a month later as a youngster and just walked in, toured the house, sat down, looked at me and said "i'm here". His job was to help me heal with my grieving and keep me company.
For four years prior to his passing i spent thousands on his health care for a rare immune system disorder. He had a steroid pill every day and puffed up to 19 pounds but he never fussed about his maladies. He hung with me as long as he could and when i had cancer surgery he finally told me it was time just as i was able to heal enough to struggle carrying him into the vet for his final journey. There is another cat somewhere in my future but for now i'll just pay tribute to "the best cat ever"..


We have had many cats over the years - these two were with us the longest. Rummy (on the right) passed away this past January just short of 20. His sister, Tess, is still with us and more lovable than ever. I was told that a well cared for, indoor cat can live to be 25. Go for it, Tess!


Miss Bucky and Jet

sc62 Level 5 Aug 9, 2018



Purrly Plum and Latte Piscavore

Gmak Level 7 Aug 8, 2018

This is Chester. And derpy Louis.


I haven't had a cat since high school. I had a cat and I was his person. I would come home from school and he would climb up my body to my shoulders. He would ride there the rest of the day.

Cats are amazing receptors of "good vibes".....they instinctively know who the good people are and waste no time running from people who give off negative energy.


Tokker and Mary Jane


I have a furry contender for coolest muchkin in Kentucky. We’re FC Cincy fans though.


This is Zoomy, my great big doofy floof.

@Donotbelieve he is, yes. He's got the big tufted paws and the giant tail, but while he's pretty big, he's still smaller than a purebred Maine Coon. He's got some kind of Oriental breed in there, too, as he's really lanky under all that fur, and has more of an Oriental's head shape. And he meows like a Siamese--really loudly and all. The. Time. ?


This is my little black cat Rocket when he was a kitten. He still loves to sleep in my fabric scrap baskets, only now, he doesn't fit so well! Happy Cat day!


Happy international puss day!
This is my kitty Ellie.

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