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Can you survive? Say all transportation which brings in food was disabled. Would you know what plants to eat? Could you make a still to gather water? Would you hunt and kill animals. Can you make weapons to protect your families? Is strategy something you think about?

azzow2 9 Aug 10

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39 comments (26 - 39)

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Survivalists and many people in general have romantic, albeit unrealistic ideas when it comes to apocalyptic level survival. In reality, the game would soon disappear via over-hunting and roving gangs would be looking for people with cashed resources to exploit. It is difficult to hide sheep, goats, chickens, etc., so subsistence farming seems problematic.

Right, it would be a riot scene and a kill or be killed scenario.


Yes. And I can. I would lack the weapons making knowledge but I would be ok on the rest.

Think of this you can make a slingshot with a Y stick and pantyhose.

@azzow2 We shouldn’t underestimate hurling rocks at people as a solid defense.


I probably could pick out some wild plants to eat although when I've tried purslane it doesnt seem to agree with me so it would be hit and miss for a bit. As for the rest I know a bit. Unfortunately none of that does me much good against a jerk with a glock.


As a kid I related so hard to Henry Bemis from this Twilight Zone episode... as a loner and an avid bookworm, my post-apocalyptic life would still be fulfilling as long as I had books — AND MY GLASSES, because I can’t see 5 inches in front of my face without them! ???

I remember that episode what a lesson in humility.

I remember that one , too . Empathy !


I can sail. I'd just steal a boat.


I've noted the locations of all of the Trumpanzees in my area. In the case of some sort of cataclysm or major breakdown in civil society, I'm not ashamed to say that ritual cannibalism is On The MENU!


There is a Prepper / Survivalist group on here if you are really interested in this subject.


Nope just looking at the creativity of others on this one.


The number #1 rule is that you don't disclose what all you have or people will be pounding on your door looking for handouts.
I have a huge garden -- I can, freeze, preserve my own food. I have a seed bank.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment, I have multiple CCLs, and I have a 4x4 pickup.

That's all anyone gets to know for sure.

Seed bank that is a good idea how do you preserve seeds? Do they retain vitality in a sealed vacuum for a prolonged time?

@azzow2 Yes. three years is good...that's the longest I've tested. I start with all heirloom seeds from Baker Creek seed company....then I saved seeds from what I grew first as practice to learn how to do it and still have good seeds. Next Spring, I will plant some 4 year old seeds also to see how they do. Every year, I save more... eventually, I hope to have a 10-year bank.


@SkotlandSkye Last year I planted sunflowers one of them grew kind of mutated with 5 flowers on one stalk saved some of the seeds this year the mutation is even greater.

@SkotlandSkye Last year this same set of seed was a different plant as you can see this one has a ton of budding flowers.

@azzow2 that's really interesting. I noticed that my 3 year old zucchini seeds had much darker leaves than 1st year plants.


ever read "the Road", by Cormac McCarthy...? creepy.

I will ogle it.

@azzow2 it seemed a little real to me. a man Journeys with his young son in a post-apocalyptic America.

Yes, and I could not understand why they left the underground shelter with all the food and water.

@16classic he didn't have much time.


Here, on this island we promote resiliency. First off I would never hunt and kill another animal. I have a garden and orchard ans a small reserve of food and water. I have a solar system that would drive the water pumps (well and collection system). Life would be tough but most of us would find a way.

I agree when the situation becomes grim most people pull together.


As a Marine, I took a number of environmental survival schools. I feel I could do pretty well. I can fish and hunt, so I can provide a steady source of protein. The real issue in survival is water. You can go many weeks without eating. You can't go more than about two days or so without water.


Without a doubt, yes. If I lost all the weapons I have, I have skills to make more, as well as traps snares and booby traps if needed. But if I have food, hopefully the boobies will come to me on their own. (couldn't resist, sorry) I know several ways to make fire without a bic lighter, and where to gather water and filter it.
Too many worry about food and water first but depending on the weather, shelter might be your first priority. You need to remember the rule of threes. Breath first, without air you can suffocate in three minutes. Shelter, in the cold, you can freeze to death in three hours. Water, you can last three days without water. Food, you can go about three weeks without food.


I still have some of the knowledge but not the mobility necessary.


Would start a pile to bring bugs we are squeamish about bugs in this country bugs are the best source of protein. Lots forget about roots most roost are edible take a potato it is a root yet it's plant is deadly nightshade. Even though wood is not the best form of nourishment it can sustain you until better food can be located. Even in the driest condition water can be pulled out of the air with a proper still.

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