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How do I help my religious friend..who is so frightened and suicidal tendencies, tonight I had to call the police to save her. She is suffering from Bipolar II.

Humanlove 7 Jan 14

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A friend mentioned something called Online therapists.


My wife was bipolar and killed herself 5 years ago. It can be difficult to get the meds right and even harder to keep them right. The best thing you can do for her is be a friend. See that she takes her meds and point her to counseling if she's not getting it. You can also point her to

And if worse comes to worst don't blame yourself. All you can do is your best.


My lovely significant other suffers also. It took 4 years to find a pharmaceutical mix and professional counseling to balance her out. Rough ride for a short time.

She is aware of how rough it's going to be--that's why she is frightened.


She needs treatment, medication, and the will to fight the condition. She also needs people who will stand with her and allow her to lean on them, if needed.

Finding these trustable--reliable people is a bigger challenge for her now.


Is she being sent to a psych ward? Is she not taking her meds? Is she self diagnosing? Hope she gets the help she needs.

No, she is not self diagnosing, she is getting help from her medical providers and doctors---she just say it's not working anymore.


You helped her by calling. Now maybe talk to her family about following up, if she has some support network.


You got your hands full and she need professional help. I can't deal with people with suicidal tendencies. There is so much to live for. I just don't understand their reason to check out. First question to ask is always the first question... is she on medication. more than one for sure. Sometimes the big pharma cocktails you have to take, take away your life or your willing to live. Every doctor is experimenting now days and they get paid to prescribe this or that. During the post Vietnam days lost many friends that were medicated constantly by the VA. They had 100% mental disability, pretty violent and half the things they needed to take was counteract effect of some medication. If they die the government no longer pay their pension so guess what? Many died. There are many honest, good people out there helping the needed but big pharma agenda is about creating a patient for life. Bipolar I heard is pretty difficult. I just not into medication for the sake of medication. My sister take all kinds of stuff and so did her husband... him? No longer with us... weak heart, but seems some of the medication he took made other organs fail and it was too much to overcome. Too many fires to put out at the same time. I tried to tell him but he was "old school medicate me please" type of guy. Get her some help quick because the suicidal only has to get it right once. Continue to be there for her.

I am trying to think. I wish if I have more understanding of the problem myself. Yes,she is on medication.

@0752532706 find out all you can about the medication(s). Were all prescribed by one doctor or multiple. Can they work together or nobody knows and she is being used as a guinea pig. I had seen warnings on medication that include suicide tendencies in some individuals. Read the warnings if you can.


Does she have a therapist?

I don't know but she is on medication.

@0752532706 Did she take the medication? Is she in touch with her specialist? She has to contact him/her as soon as possible. You can help her by being with her. Finding a psychotherapist, neurologist, if the present one is not good. Changing medication.... You need a good profesionist.


When she needs professional help - help her to get it. Know the number for Psychiatric Emergency Services at her usual Hospital - they will do the heavier lifting. Also know where she would prefer to be hospitalized as you might be able to convince her to go in - when the professionals can't. With luck one of the new meds for this illness will help her - along with therapy. It's a very difficult disease to deal with without good and consistent treatment. (I worked on a Mobile Psych Team for 10 years so I know what you are talking about). Additionally have had a friend who was BiPolar. I had to stop being her friend when I literally became one of her caregivers. Professionally. Hang in there!

Thanks for advising.


I wish I could give more ins ight to this, however, I have heard that medical marijuana does help that, also I just saw something on magic mushrooms being effective, but I don't have any experience with thaat or know much about it. Best asdviced I have, is just be therre for her.
Good luck

I have a friend now who is Bipolar who will swear that CBD oil helps her immensely (No psychoactive properties in that).


That's a tough one.... be a friend, help when you can and know that ultimately you're not her keeper. You're not any good to her health if you get burnt out.

This so true. I am limited in so many ways.

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