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Does anyone have a strong opinion on Alex Jones recently being de-platformed on Youtube, Spotify and Facebook? Is it about time? Is it a hit against free speech? My opinion, the social media sites that pulled InfoWars from their platform are within their rights to do so. On the other hand I don't see the point, they just made his show more popular. Very counter productive.

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Tejas 8 Aug 12

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Youtube taking his channel down doesn't infringe on his free speech. Nobody's saying he isn't entitled to voice his opinion, they're simply saying they have no obligation to host his hate speech or ill-conceived conspiracies. If he's really so determined to get his ideas out there, he can probably find someone willing to take his cash and host a webpage for him. None of the boxes allow for this take on the situation.


What he says is disgusting and hateful . The way they have taken him down is wrong though proving him wrong and ridiculeing him would be far more affected now they have just inflamed the situation by giving him more attention , his website has more hits than ever


Personally, I say good riddance, but there's the problem that they've probably martyred him to the cause. Now all the nutjobs are just gonna get louder


I suppose the media sources who booted his material from their sites were within their rights to do so, but they by no means should ever claim that they support free speech.


A privately held company can exercise whatever policies they want with whatever or whomever they want, just as long as it is in keeping with their established policies, and even then, it’s a gray area. If everyone who was popular still had vid time, which is the 21st Century equivalent of air time, Roseanne would still have a job with her top rated show and Dan Rather never would have lost his anchor job at CBS.


As a private company, Facebook has the right to exercise free speech by removing his half truths and lies. Sometimes free speech means saying, you don't get to spread your lies in my house.


It's the equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater.


Free speech means the government cannot arrest you for what you say as in criticising it or members, or actively working to put new people into office, protesting, etc (yes, there is that whole threat thing, not what i'm saying). Now freedom of speech doesn't mean that I or anyone else has to listen to whatever bs is being spouted. It also doesn't give you a pass from criticism or consequences in the private sector. A private platform does not have to give anyone a podium for their opinion. If someone breaks their rules or terms of service, the owner can boot them, no questions asked. This doesn't mean anyone's first amendment rights are violated. They are free to go shill their buffoonery & fuckery anywhere else that will have them.

So no, Alex Jones & his shit show of conspiracy bs & hateful rhetoric can...and this is just my opinion....go die in a canoe fire surrounded by piranha & cancer. It honestly would not surprise me if this wasn't all a stunt & he's just using a bunch if crisis actors to garner sympathy.


Free speech doesn't mean there may not be consequences. I think all hate speech should be shut down. It is more dangerous to society than yelling FIRE in a theater, which seems to be the only thing that is banned, as it is the only example anyone ever uses.


Exactly. Well said. Hate speech should be banned.

@LiterateHiker Hate speech is a vague term, who would be the one to define it? Hate speech is protected under the first amendment. Some people might say atheists spew hate speech to the religious. In my view let people say what they want as long as it is not slanderous, libel, or incites violence.


Free speech means free from censorship or punishment by the government, so not technically that. But I’m not sure I want Mark Zuckerberg’s employees deciding who gets a platform and who doesn’t.
I have seen posts from admins of atheist FB groups indicating that their groups were suspended due to content that violates community standards. But they don’t tell you what content they have deemed inappropriate. And you only get one chance to remove the offending content, or the group would be shut-down.


Not comfortable taking away his voice. I need to give it more thought. But when you start going that direction, you drive people underground.


It's not so much that he is vile. It's that his lies incite people to violence and hosting them is being complicit in that.

Then he should also be held accountable for the violence he instills. Same for that cheeto monkey in the WH

@Magician he should indeed. But it's not easy to prove beyond reasonable doubt, especially not to a jury of his peers.

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