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Homophobic Marketing

I never paid too much attention to this before, but I was looking at a catalog of products that seemed aimed at hillbillies and rednecks (Trump lovers) and I noticed how homophobic it all was. "Soap that smells like a MAN's soap should smell", "these pants aren't for sissies", and so on.

The election of this pretender to the office is exposing so many ugly and undesirable elements of that which passes for culture in America.

FreeDave 6 Aug 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Hopefully the Millennials will vote in force this next election and get the GOP traitors out of office.


A lot of that stuff comes down to misogyny- the idea that it is always bad to be “like a woman”


What company was the catalogue from?

I don't remember. There was a bunch of cowboy/rodeo stuff on the cover as I recall.

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