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It's religion but it's also law - so I guess I'm good with it.
Also wish I could do this with my HOA!


"A woman has activated the ancient Norman rite of Clameur de Haro to protest against the narrowing of a road which she claims would endanger pedestrians and motorists.

Rosie Henderson, from Guernsey, raised the clameur by kneeling and calling for help and reciting the Lord’s Prayer in Norman French. Fully enforceable in Guernsey and Jersey law, it means the construction work in St Peter Port must stop until a court decides the case."

RavenCT 9 Aug 14

Enjoy being online again!

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There are a lot of outdated laws still on the books , even here in the US . Some of them sound very peculiar .


Dang! That's creative as hell!

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