As Abraham led Issac back down off the rock, Issac looked up at Abraham and said "Now, you wanna tell me what the fuck that was all about ?"
What it was all about is doing the will of your god even if he is a sicko! Church people smile and say that their god was testing Abraham and in no way was he ever going to have him kill Isaac. I am so relieved! I thought it was all about idiots doing the will of a madman.
I've often thought about writing a Freethinker's Bible, in which I would have patriarchs who are told to sacrifice their kids and reply with "Are you out of your freakin' mind? You think I would do that? What kind of God would ask that of somebody? I'm gonna find a different god to worship!!!" and then be rewarded for showing some backbone and independent thought, because that's what a decent Deity would want in a follower.
Gracious! Why would anyone want to read that dreadful book? Or talk about it?
The Sumerian texts, from which many of the OT Bible stores are obviously copied are much better, actually.