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Do you think non religious people can be racists too?

Humanlove 7 Jan 16

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Being an athiest only means that you don't believe in god. They could have other irrational beliefs, or not, but by not believing in god, this does not stop anyone from being racist, or sexist, homophobic, a murderer etc


Sure. Think it more about how you were taught to view people who weren't in your tribe. And one of the biggest tribes are the religions. Growing up in the midwest USA, seemed that people who were different you should be suspicious of. We lived on the wrong side of the tracks, and I mostly hung on with kids that were considered different.


Well sure there is going to be racist people no matter their denomination, gender, color, etc. Some people are just that way.. there is not getting around it. But do I think there are MORE racists that are non theists. No. I feel, now this may be a generic opinion but it's just what I have experienced, noticed on some level, that more religious people are due to their beliefs coming from the bible, their dogma, what was taught to them by their parents, etc.

There is no doubt that there are more racists than non-theists. It's why we have president Trump and almost zero public offices held by atheists.


of course, they can and are. race isn't a colour


Yup. Some people will seize upon differences in genes that control skin pigmentation and suggest causation for other traits like intelligence. It requires a superficial understanding of genetics. Anything more than the most basic understanding and it falls apart.


How do you think all of that divisive crap got into the Bible to begin with? Hate and bigotry toward those that are different is a theme for the corrupt and uninformed for millennia.


Assholes come in all shapes and sizes and colours !!

Like round, large, and orange...


I think it's a human thing. It goes back to the days we traveled in tribes and clans.


Yes-we have a few on this site that might be candidates.


Oh, without doubt. While religion can exacerbate racism, bigotry, xenophobia, etc., I think as a species we're wired to be distrustful of "the other." It served our distant ancestors well as tribal people vulnerable to outside attacks who needed to be especially cautious in every foreign encounter, but now it creates the problem in the first place, a vicious circle of distrust and conflict, a snake feeding on its own tail. And religious and political leaders fan the flames for the sake of power and control.


Anybody and everybody is racist in some way and another. You don't need religion for that.

Do you think having some stereotypical beliefs or attitudes is different than being racist?



Some of each in every category.


In my opinion, racism is a form of self-deification, which raises the question: is believing oneself to be god theism or delusion?


Being right about one thing doesn't make you right about all things.


Yes sir!
Just like nonreligious people can also be moral.


I came across one on this site. I called him out and he didn't deny or clarify, so I just assumed I was right.

Interesting, indeed. I have made more use of the nifty block feature here than I thought I would.

@BlueWave hehe


Oh yeah iv seen that. Religious people will let you know their religious so you want suspect them... it's like a cloud around them.




I've seen a few that were absolutely horrible. Racism, like religion, is learned, but they aren't dependent on each other to exist.


Yes indeed.

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