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Most recent photo on your phone or computer. No cheating. ?

BeccaVa 7 Aug 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Photo of my moms new German Shepard puppy and most recent saved image lol.



Last shot from my latest camping trip, morning after sleeping under the stars at Polihale State Park. Went camping there twice this past month to enjoy the super dark night skies with frequent Meteor Showers, which were spectacular. Just 8 of us girls camping for 3 days. Did the same trip last month with different friends, but a fuller moon, which shone brightly and set magnificently a deep red in the morning.

Girl trip! The best!

Omg. I want to go!


I was business traveling in western NM on Friday. I took a couple blurry pics.


Went to a minor league baseball game last night...


Because we don’t have them in the UK and my sister in London loves them. Pushing her craving buttons while I munch on!

Livia Level 6 Aug 19, 2018

A pup I work with

Byrd Level 7 Aug 19, 2018

Looking out my bedroom window this early afternoon.


No Cheating.

@sweetcharlotte It was my daughter's equipment, she died 2 weeks ago. Her sister took her Best Amps, 10 Electric Guitars and 2 Bass. I got her workhorse desktop tower and 3 Laptops. Her brother took miles and miles of cables, maybe a dozen mikes. What you see in the picture is what neither of us wanted. She used to record garage bands and underground recording. I got her writing pads and when strong enough I will add music to it. She is going to be My Project until I Die. I understand... is not the answer you expected. At the time of your question I was rewriting a song of my own to accomodate her departure. Music is done. Lyrics will take time. Time I got.

@sweetcharlotte Within 3 weeks of my arrival to Vegas she decided to leave her life in Jacksonville. She spoke to her mother that day, I spoke to her 2 weeks before. I will never going to be the same. Just returned yesterday from Jacksonville, were I took that picture in my other daughter garage. I didn't care for her material possesions but I want all her intelectual, because that was our Bond. It will always be... sports (basketball, baseball), music, writing and like me could draw without any art class. I am not upset of her choice but I will never be the same. I thank You. I got work to do, 5 weeks before her 33rd birthday. Thank You for Caring.


The sunset earlier this month from my deck during a break from the wind-blown wildfire smoke which has hovered over us lately:


My friend took this picture, and I had to have a copy.


While downloading memes this morning....


Just saved then submitted this picture on another post.

This is a good one


Finishing downloading photos from my soon to be ex before we unfriend.

Kind of you!

@GreatNani joint decision.

@LouisD61 it pays to be on decent terms with your ex. Or decent enough that you are not trashing each other all the time.

@GreatNani Not on my part anyway.

@LouisD61 hopefully your ex will learn. It is hard at times.


Most recent download/save & most recent photo.


I'm so lucky on this one. My niece sent my this the other day and I just emailed it to myself and saved it a little bit ago. She saves some of my work and keeps it. She's an awesome person and deserves a better role model but she makes me proud every day.


I'll get my son to message you, but only on the condition you agree to force him into giving me grandkids before i'm too old to kick footy with them! ?


@sweetcharlotte Thank you. Lol. I had just downloaded it to add to my profile on Goodreads.


On last night's walk home.


Sums up it all up


Never trust someone who has their head in the clouds. Nobody is that tall.


Myself and 2 of my sisters at a pool/ bd party for my niece yesterday.

@Sunsetworshiper Thanks!


Can't read the electricity meter in the cupboard under the stairs due to too much stuff, but can get an arm holding my phone in...


Rainey. One of my favs of her.


Gorgeous granddaughter eating Stracciatella gelato in Italy last week. I had Bacio Bianco.


The Mitchell Library Glasgow.

Coldo Level 8 Aug 19, 2018
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