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Rats are jumping the sinking ship!

Akfishlady 8 Aug 24

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Rats are way cuter....

[] Proof of my rat love. And a member's adorable roomate. Ok it's also my pet group. But it's an adorable rat!


Cowardly bastard, go baby go!!


They are not jumping fast enough for me. The orange carrot just keeps throwing more shiny objects and the fools who like them are paying attention. Religion is playing a very large part in it. Religious people are being used as a tool by the republicans. Again.


I haven't seen any jumping. Seen several that have been shoved against the corner walls.

They should get the entire family and cronies but reality is often quite different.

@Akfishlady Being cornered to testify by receiving immunity isn't jumping ship (in my book). And I agree. I at least hope it's imploding and I believe Mueller has known how big the can of worms is. I just hope they don't end it with impeachment. I believe the whole family and political cronies (that haven't as of yet been IDed) have been doing illegal things for way too long.

@Akfishlady I need to give Mueller waay more credit than that or I can't feel at ALL hopeful


I still don't understand how that boat got to float! 😟


No guarantee that ship will sink

Xena Level 6 Aug 25, 2018

Are you taking bets?

If it sinks the entire USA could well go with the assholes who started this shit. I don't know if the damage will ever be repaired. Not in the foreseeable future in my opinion.


They are jumping off because their little paws are being pried from the cheese and that's because of a great prosecutor!


Reminded me of a National Lampoon magazine parody of Watership Down back in the 70's called Watergate Down. The refrain of "when does a rat leave a ship" and all of the characters were named after Nixon administration members.


They see the hand writing on the wall and are protecting themselves.

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