I just realized my previous post read 'what the hell' at the end. Probably not the best choice of words on an agnostic/atheist site posting about annoyances of old tv referring to god. Meh. Words are important - precise ones can articulate a thought, whereas the imprecise leaves folks sounding inexperienced. It's probably silly, but it was digging at me because i usually don't say hell, but i didn't know if i could write my favorite F word.
You can write any word you like, I swear all the time and nobody gives a toss. And in reference to your previous post, and this one, your posts are perfectly eloquent. In fact there are people who post who can barely spell or string a coherent sentence together but it's not about grammar, it's about joining in and having fun.........enjoy
Hell, I say fuck all the time. It ainβt no shit.