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Why is it, some people have the need to create drama? Is that their life is so boring that they feel they need to create this drama? Is it for attention getting or for their own entertainment? I don't own a tv and feel as though my life is pretty boring. But I don't find it necessary to create drama in my life or anyone elses life.

Spag84 6 Aug 30

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Maybe they want attention? Maybe they are a middle child?

Livia Level 6 Aug 31, 2018

Sometimes it's the only way they feel they can get attention. It's an unhealed emotional wound.


Toxic narcissism has been the root cause of most drama I have had in my life. Remove the narcissist and life becomes really peaceful.

Another excellent point.???

Cluster B ..strikes again 😕


Examples, we need juicy and bloody examples to feel the pain and anxiety until our brains explode to the moon !!!!!! .... (How's that for drama? ?)

Mind blowing. ???


No way to know what might be the motivation behind different folks. I just know the drama kings and queens of the world are those I have either eliminated from my life altogether, or actively avoid !


Highly sensitive people ,from my experience , are usually the culprit.

Guess I'm an exception then ... highly sensitive, abhor drama (unless it's on stage !).


I’ve long wondered the same thing ..and suspect ‘the answer’s’ in there somewhere 😕 I’m sure my last serious romance was with a Borderline PD’d individual, with a ‘comorbid’ Histrionic PD as well (what an adventure). The Histrionic PD seemed the core of her constant need for drama. Wore me out, and worst of all, it was pointless.

There’s a depth of mental illness out there.. with endless combinations of triggers, traits and trauma… Sensitized from various experiences, it’s become a lot easier for me to spot, thus avoid it.

Varn Level 8 Aug 30, 2018

I have wondered this myself it often seems to me to be a way of winding me up, so that I have to get the feelings that this other person doesn't want to have - Its weird how they do it too, with facial expressions and dramatic voice changing.

I do something like eat a biscuit whilst its going on or do some ignoring but it seems that they have the need to transfer feelings or want to wind anyone else up. I must be seriously simple minded just wanting an easy life. A bit of fun and laughter a coffee and do my chores all that capacity to have a bit of fun and laughter wasted

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