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I hate being diabetic, insulin cost a lot, now its cutting into my weed budget. I guess I'll have to look into hydroponics or something but it's problematic too because I have a brown thumb and not for the reason some would suppose.

Novelty 8 Aug 31

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I hear you, it's a one way ticket and the best we can do is to try to extend our quality of life as much as we can one day at the time. Making peace with things helps. I used to hate it to, now I embrace it. Works better. I ride my motorcycle as much as I can now. It will be a bit difficult when my legs get chopped off. Will it happen? I don't know. My dad went through that...I better prepare the best I can. I am disciplined with my meds. It's just a race against the clock and the clock will eventually win


A good hydro setup is expensive to start, but might be worth it in the long run. If you keep and clone one female plant, she can get you on regular harvests and cloning is way easier and faster than growing from seed. Plus you don't have to worry about seeds in your bud.


I'm type 2. I'm really happy I got myself off insulin with the way the price has shot up and the crappy insurance I have now wouldn't have paid and I'd be in trouble.


Look for savings cards online to assist with your insulin co-pays


Check with your doctor about getting generic insulin . It could save you lots !


As a type 2 diabetic I only take Metformin. No insulin at all and I don't monitor anything. I eat and drink whatever in the hell I want to. I have people even telling me how i should measure and weigh out my food, etc. Screw that!
As for weed, I learned in the 70's that smelling it would do me in. That means if I am around you and you are smoking it we both get high.

It'd be nice if type 1s had this option but alas


I'm diabetic too but I haven't paid for insulin in 7 years. I've saved thousands. My insurance company has a Wellness program that I joined back then. All I have to do is set and hit one health goal with my Wellness coach every quarter and they pay 100% of the cost of insulin for that quarter. Check into your insurance and see if they offer something like that. I have Cigna.


(Good) Weed is hard to grow, a huge financial investment, a ton of work, and it might suck.

I disagree. A guy I went to HS with put some pot seeds into a pot with giberillic acid. It sprouted like hell fast! Teacher wanted to show us what the control and experiment group compared. Saw that, knew what it was, and ripped them out immediately!

@JustKip yeah, I know, it’s a weed, and I knew people who did that stuff too, but you guys are using the potency standards of our youth! Medical grade mj is a whole different level!

@JustKip you must have a green thumb! Everyone I know who set out to do this decided it was too much work and quit. Or maybe they were indulging too much in their product!

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