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What is Your Favorite Season Change? Mine is coming up, but I'm more interested in yours.

Nevermind345 7 Sep 2

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I am in South Florida where the weather is analogous to the rise and fall of the sun at the north pole. I like winter best but unlike most of the country I’m as likely to go in the pool as put on a sweater.


Summer to fall gives me the most energy. As the harvest fills the pantry with food for the months ahead, everything takes on a bright cool glow. I love the muted coloring and the smell of hay put up for winter. Crisp autumn morning temperatures, warm sunny days and cool evenings spent huddled by the fireplace glowing with dancing multicolored flames and a slightly smokey odor in the air. The first frost denoting the end of the growing season and the onset of thanksgiving and pumpkin pie days.


Autumn in New England and NY State my favorite. The colored landscape looks like a painting.


Spring does it for shoots and the trees budding, cherry blossom and lambs frolicking in the fields. Signs of earth’s renewal everywhere and longer brighter days with the promise of the warm summer ones to come.


I like spring the most. The colors are amazing around here with greater color diversity than fall. Fall has nice colors, but it's due to rot. Spring is the recovery from a cold winter and gives a sense of new. Fall gives us good seasonal beer to help cope with the impending winter. Winter is too cold while summer can get too hot and both will only get worse with climate change. I do prefer summer over fall and winter, though.


Always winter to summer is the best for me. I don't despise winter, I just don't enjoy it as much as nice warm summer.


I'm with You on this one. I love it when summer turns into fall

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